Let alone advanced subjects….

Good morning friends,

If Right and Wrong were so easy to discern,
Why would the world see wars and conflicts?
The same lessons we learn and unlearn,
Many a Christ we still put on the crucifix.

Same is the case with Evil and Good,
We are more than sure of our own stand.
But, why is it that no one has understood,
How often, because of it, we get into quick-sand?

Next time when you are faced with the choice,
How about taking a little time to decide?
Delay your decision before you give it voice,
See to it that you have viewed each side.

Good and Evil, Right and Wrong,
Also depend upon time and place,
Even if, to decide, it seems to take long,
Do remember there is actually no race.

If not anything, please display the humility,
To accept that each is not writ in stone.
Everyone of us has his own view and ability,
That should be a society’s backbone.

….after thousands of years, we have still to sort out the basics.


To err is human….

Good morning friends,

If you think you made a terrible mistake,
That’s filled you now with deep regret;
You can certainly avoid the heartbreak,
For God gives you time to introspect.
Don’t hold yourself in perennial spite,
A mistake can always be set right.

No one is God, nobody is perfect,
‘To err is human’ is an old refrain.
Everyone can get wiser in retrospect,
“I never err”; ah, you can’t be so vain.
It’s better to have erred when intention is right,
Than not to have done anything, being full of fright.

Treat others’ mistakes with similar stance,
Think that you could have done them too.
They too, like you, deserve a second chance,
Don’t give them the final disparaging view.
Before long, they would make amends,
And you would continue being friends.

Honest mistakes are part of life,
There is no need to make a huge fuss.
Making amends can avoid the strife,
And can even result in unexpected plus.
Great learning experiences are mistakes,
Don’t treat them as unwanted headaches.

….to forgive divine.


“Those who obtain God….

Good morning friends,

As soon as human beings, on earth, are born,
And indeed even before we leave mother’s womb;
To the cycle of hunger and thirst we are sworn,
Often adding to our dissatisfaction and gloom.
And such longing is not just for basic needs,
It also includes our desires and greeds.

No matter how rich and powerful you become,
Such hunger and thirst never leaves you;
You don’t find anyone who doesn’t succumb,
These are overcome by the rare and the few.
How can one ever be happy and satisfied?
All one’s efforts are gradually nullified.

(Image courtesy:

The Name of God* is the only true solution,
To the eternal problems of hunger and thirst;
Each one of us is in a state of destitution**,
Until we think of God in everything first.
“God for tomorrow and its needs I don’t pray,
Let me be happy and content just for today.”

I hunger and thirst only for you, my God,
You are my only and true emancipation;
Without you, I am often sad and overawed,
With you I can happily face starvation.
If Krishna could feed thousands from the same bowl***,
Surely, you can provide me enough for body and soul.

*Name of God = different for different people. In Sri Guru Granth Sahib, for example, it is mentioned as Hari.
**state of destitution = normally poverty in material things. Here, I have included spiritual things too.
***Krishna feeding from same bowl = As described in Mahabharta, in order to save the honour of Draupadi, Krishna took a single of rice from the Akshyapatra (bowl given to  the Pandavas) and that was enough to deed Duravasa and all the sages.

….don’t hunger and thirst anymore.”


Happy Birthday Mom….

Good morning friends,

For a mother her child is the most beautiful,
Do children think the same of their mother?
Are there children who are always dutiful,
And are sure their moms are like no other?
God couldn’t be everywhere,
So He sent mothers to be there.

Not just my own, all mothers are the same,
Each one gives Life just like the Creator;
She may not give her child her surname,
But, in everything else she is the greater.
God couldn’t be everywhere,
So He sent mothers to be there.

Especially today, my mother, I salute thee,
It may appear to some that you ain’t around;
Yes, of earthly life, there is never a guarantee,
But, in my vicinity, you can still be found.
God couldn’t be everywhere,
So He sent you to be here.

There is that cord that is never broken,
This is a bond that Death doesn’t do apart;
Whilst everyday, to me, you have spoken,
Today, mother, my God, speak to my heart.
God couldn’t be everywhere,
So He sent you to be, with me, here.

….You made me believe in God, that is, You.


It is alright….

Good morning friends,

Just when you think life is under control,
Something happens that is totally unexpected;
Something that stirs up your heart and soul,
You feel sad, let-down and dejected.
What can you do to lift your mood?
Is it alright to feel subdued?

We must take all situations in our stride,
No one can plan for everything in advance.
In the name of control, one is not required to hide,
That which is thrown at us by destiny or chance.
Remember even happiness is a feeling,
That no one is ever accused of concealing.

So, learn to live with your feelings and emotions,
No one can control them all the time,
All of us, of becoming saints, can’t have notions,
To be ordinary and sad is not a crime.
Only, don’t let emotions run you down,
Given time everything shall turn around.

God, you made everything in the universe,
All emotions were also created by you.
I accept all that are joyous as also the adverse,
If gods could get angry and sad, I can too.
I don’t wish to have everything under my control,
Let me not dissect parts, let me accept the whole.

….if you can’t control your emotions all the while.


Be good to all people….

Good morning friends,

Neither of any man be the superior,
Nor of any man be the inferior.
God made each one unique,
No one needs be more bold or meek,
Never have a motive that is ulterior.

Believe that God made all men the same,
Some live in ignominy, others achieve fame.
At birth he gives all a clean slate,
There are some who go beyond Fate,
In each case, there is no one else to blame.

Deal with others as if to you they’re related,
And to see one of your family you are elated.
They too were made by same God,
How can you be perfect and they flawed?
There is no reason whatsoever to be agitated.

Open your heart and welcome all the others,
They are your own sisters and brothers.
Try to look for their goodness,
And spare them the rudeness,
That’s used for those of unknown fathers and mothers.

…all are related to you.


If you were the Creator of the Universe….

Good morning friends,

Imagine if you were the Creator,
Could you have made the world better?
Would you have achieved greater?
And emerged as a trend – setter?
When you’re younger you have this thought,
Older, you know His world is better than anything you sought.

The best thing He have us is Changing Seasons,
Indeed, everything, at all times, undergoes change.
You can just admire these whatever be the reasons,
There is, no doubt, an endless range.
Every minute, day, or season is indeed new,
Everything in God’s world dons a fresh hue.

Forget about individuals, all of us put together,
Can’t imagine – let alone make – His entire Creation,
We are all, so to say, birds of a feather,
All we can do is to chirp our admiration:
“Thank you, God, for the world you made,
We don’t want to change a single shade.”

….could you have done a better job?


Have you ever wondered why this life was given to you?

Good morning friends,

Have you ever paused to guess,
Why God gave this life to you?
It is, of course, His way to bless,
To be born as humans, the very few.
Can life be just to eat and sleep,
Or for oneself to happiness seek?
Or, as Kabir said, to be sold cheap
Even though it is rare and unique?

The entire life is, but, an alluring maze,
It keeps us from realising our true worth;
Some simply go through it in a daze,
Others seek only comforts on Earth.
Scriptures give us the simile of the sea*,
That we have to cross to reach our goal.
When from our Ego** we become free,
And over the Five thieves*** we have control.

That’s the state when we merge with God,
And escape the cycle of Life and Death.
Everything else on Earth is simply fraud,
To keep us going from one to other breath.
Hence, let’s try to find who we really are,
God already gifted us this precious Life,
With Ego and Five thieves we can’t go far,
These can only add to unwanted strife.

*boat = bohith as given in Sri Guru Granth Sahib; to cross this sea you require the bohith of God’ name.

**Ego = haume’ as given in SGGS
***Five thieves: Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Ahankar; that is: Lust, Rage, Greed, Attachment, and Conceit as given in SGGS

….it can’t simply be a journey from Life to Death.


If you gave away all your money you would have nothing left….

Good morning friends,

If all your money you gave away,
You would have nothing left with you;
But, what would you have to say,
If Love, in the same condition, grew?
Material things come and go,
But Love goes on forever;
Even when you share it with a foe,
It is brought to nought never.

Love is another name for God,
As His own children, He loves us all;
His caring we can’t help applaud,
All are eligible whether big or small.
Of religion, language, caste or creed,
He makes no favours or exception,
Everyone is an equal indeed,
Everyone gets the same affection.

We need to spread the message of Love,
In the world full of enmity and hatred;
It is directly blessed by God above,
And hence it is pure, kind and sacred.
Every Man is of us a variation,
No Man is not related to us;
Believe in the Oneness of His Creation,
Differences are simply superfluous.

….now try giving away Love!


God doesn’t expect you….

Good morning friends,

God isn’t a Pied Piper or a puppeteer,
He didn’t make humans as puppets or mice.
Hence, it’s not correct that He sent us here,
So that about His own powers He’d feel nice.
God has given us, at birth, a clean slate,
He empowered us to make our own destiny or fate.

Excelling in whatever we are destined to be,
Has been totally put in our own hands.
If we are determined we can change our own destiny,
And strive to make for life our own plans.
God has given us, at birth, a clean slate,
He empowered us to make our own destiny or fate.

Many, in the past, changed what they were born to do,
And let destiny be a slave to their grit and resolve.
Their stories of success should motivate me and you,
So that into the likeness of God we evolve.
God has given us, at birth, a clean slate,
He empowered us to make our own destiny or fate.

We shouldn’t give up trying and be defeated,
And make our destiny or fate an excuse.
No one can say we’d be judged as being conceited,
If our own future we were to choose.
God has given us, at birth, a clean slate,
He empowered us to make our own destiny or fate.

….to be resigned to your fate.


Each one of us has a role to play….

Good morning friends,

Until I went to see a real bull-fight in Spain,
I used to think it is a very courageous sport.
Imagining that fighting a bull must be insane,
And a matador has to do it without support.

Now that I am wiser I know it’s more a play,
Than a brave fight it is made out to be;
In the three acts, the bull hardly has a say,
The final death of the bull is for all to see.

Similarly, God has given each one a role,
One has to perform to the best of ability.
None can see the entire play as a whole,
But we should accept our role in humility.

It is pointless coveting someone else’s part,
It doesn’t matter what you are given to enact.
Whatever is assigned, play it from the heart,
And then await the applause that you attract.

….we should play our part to the best of our abilities.


ज़िन्दगी महज़ चंद मुलाकातें हैं,
छुप छुप के कुछ धीमी धीमी बातें हैं।
दिन तो तेज़ रफ्तार से गुज़र गए,
अब तो चुप चुप ठहरी ठहरी सी रातें हैं।

चाहने और पाने में कितनी दूरी है,
कदम बढ़ के थम गए न जाने क्या मजबूरी है,
दर्द छुपाकर बहुत घूमते हैं इस दुनिया में,
हमें देखिए जिन्हें जीने के लिए दर्द ज़रूरी है।

सब कुछ गया पर उनका खयाल नहीं गया,
ज़िन्दगी का वो सोया हुआ सवाल नहीं गया,
क्यूं मिले थे उनसे जब मिलना ना था मुकद्दर में?
सांस रुकी है पर धड़कनों का उछाल नहीं गया।

क्यूं फिर से प्यार की राह अनजान लगती है?
क्यूं वो हैं भी पर दुनिया वीरान लगती है?
क्या होना था, अभी तो कुछ हुआ ही नहीं,
क्यूं चौराहे पर खड़ी ज़िन्दगी हैरान लगती है?

समझ आए तो हो सके हमें भी खबर करना,
कुछ लम्हे संग बिताए हुए लम्हों की नज़र करना,
शाम ए तन्हाई गर खत्म ना भी हो, रवि,
धुंधले उजाले में ही ज़िन्दगी की सहर करना।


Keeping record of all your hurts and slights….

Keeping record of all your hurts and slights,
Is really the most fruitless task on earth.
You willfully cut out those lovely delights,
That are rife with wistfulness and mirth.

What exactly are you thinking of achieving,
By keeping in your heart that useless stuff?
If it is a garland of memories you’re weaving,
How would it help for you to be forever gruff?

(image courtesy:

Throw away that junk, make yourself free,
Trust me it doesn’t do good at any rate.
It’d keep you from being calm and happy,
As if you carry a great avoidable weight.

He has His record-keeper, He doesn’t need,
Any of us maintaining unnecessary records.
Just have faith that God’s system, indeed,
Will have its own demerits and rewards.

….is totally infructuous.


One of the most miraculous things in the world….

It’s not possible to store even a nanosecond,
Time is ephemeral and it is gone forever.
There is something that we can later beckon,
It’s available to us whenever and wherever.
It is rare something we can later recall,
Months and years later it’d still enthrall.

Try it, you’ll find Happiness can be stored,
You can keep it and access it at a later date;
Say, when with your life you are bored,
Or you happen to be in a depressed state.
God has given us these miraculous powers,
Even in the deserts we can grow flowers.

(Image courtesy:

There is another magical quality it possesses:
When you share it, it grows and multiplies.
Everybody’s sadness and sorrows it addresses,
When least expected it can swing a surprise.
You can carry it practically everywhere you go,
Share it with all and let them see the rainbow.

Lastly, no matter how old, it feels like new,
I haven’t heard of anyone bemoaning its age.
What a great gift God gave to me and you,
Happiness can be recalled at any given stage.
With this little poem I am sending you some,
Keep it and store it for all times to come.

….is that Happiness can be stored and recalled.


One who treats all negatives and positives alike….

Good morning friends,

Have you ever been lonely and sad?
Do you remember how it made you feel?
Most often it would have made you glad,
That in this condition you learnt a great deal.
Happiness is a result,
Sadness is a learning;
In both you can exult,
If you’re discerning.

Nobody ever lives life with a constant emotion,
We should, indeed, thank God for that.
Sometimes it is quiet, at others there is commotion,
Life keeps changing its style or format.
It has ups and downs,
It has twists and turns.
There are varied sounds,
Thus experience one earns.

Both sorrow and joy have their uses,
Just as it is with failure and success.
Great is a person who gets them and refuses,
To view them with undue elation or stress.
Everything is god sent,
Everything has value,
Try to gauge His intent,
Yes, it is meant for you.

We often want to know life’s aim.
Without solving this simple clue.
Why is the worth of sorrows and joys the same?
Why clay and gold have the same value?
The person who can find,
Merges with His God,
He doesn’t let His mind,
By either be overawed.

….merges with His God.


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