Sharing Time with your loved ones is the biggest gift.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #86‘.

Good morning Friends,

However much money, in life, one may make,
Many rungs of social ladder one may climb;
But, it would still be one’s biggest mistake,
If one thinks one can buy a moment of time.

Time is, therefore, the the most precious gift,
That you can ever give those dear to you;
All people require that encouraging uplift,
That those spending time with them can do.

However much cheerful people may appear,
Loneliness and sadness can assail anyone;
Spending time with them is, hence, sincere,
In dreary life it can act like a ray of the sun.

Ask anyone which of your gifts they liked best,
They will tell you it is the time that you spared;
Even when you were, for time, hard pressed,
With your near and dear ones you kindly shared.

If today, you are thinking of a valuable present,
That you may on friends and relations bestow;
Only spend time with them and just be pleasant,
They mean the world to you, let them know.

Soon you’d find they would return the favour,
When you find yourself lonely, sad and down;
Kindness, well, it has its own wonderful flavour,
It replaces with sweet smiles the bitterest frown.

Sharing Time is earning time.





Wishes indeed are horses.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #84‘.

Good morning Friends,

‘If wishes were horses’ says a nursery rhyme,
‘Beggars would ride’ it goes on to say;
I have seen how when we wish sometime,
It changes the complexion of the day.

Wishes are indeed, to God, small prayers,
And no prayers are ever totally wasted;
Through these are born new millionaires,
They know the pudding those who’ve tasted.

Ihaan, uhaan sach hove‘ says my holy book,
Meaning ‘this way or that it comes true’;
It is known that God would never overlook,
That which His children pray for and pursue.

Therefore, have faith in your wishes, friends,
Give Him time to bestow these on you;
The effect of your wishes totally depends,
Upon whether your asking heart is true.

My wish for you today, my friends, is this,
That you’d get proof of your wishes;
That God would lead you to total bliss,
That He’d make fly even horses and fishes.

May you develop, through wishes, enough trust,
That He listens directly to each one of us;
He is always kind, loving, fair and just;
He truly provides without making a fuss.

May your wishes come true today.


Choose to begin the day rightly.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #84‘.

Good morning Friends,

You had no choice how to begin your life,
But, you can choose how to begin your day;
You can detach from sadness and strife,
You can meet happiness half the way.

‘Tis true that God can dictate all events,
But He left you to control your emotions;
You have power over your heart’s contents,
You actually select your own notions.

With such powers as are given to you,
It would be sad if you select negativity;
Why’d you to yourself want to be untrue,
Why can’t you begin the day with positivity.

And lo, you can see the effect of your power,
Even your somber things start becoming bright;
The thorns they suddenly change into flower,
Your troubles are soon out of your sight.

Well begun, as they say, is half done,
You are assured of a day that brings cheers;
There is no one else under the sun,
Who can change into holes all your fears.

Arise, my friend, look around and see,
A happy day is beckoning you with love;
He has sent you tons of joys and glee,
He is always your friend, your God above.

Choose to accept His blessings today.


Being good is not enough, you have to be nice too.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #80‘.

Good morning Friends,

So you are good but are you nice?
Do you try to be, with people, polite?
Does your goodness come with a price?
Are you, with them, too forthright?

With stress on ‘essentials‘ on the net,
Such courtesies are now things of the past;
No one says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and yet,
Everyone seems to be having a – well – ‘blast‘.

We seem to be forgetting the worth of a smile,
That comes from one to whom we say ‘please‘;
On the net it may not be considered worthwhile,
But it sure comes like a whiff of fresh breeze.

Today, lets pledge to be nice and sweet,
In addition to being right and good;
And to all, on the net or in person, we meet;
Lets exchange courtesies as we should.

In this ‘fast’ world, lets just slow down,
And bring cheers on someone’s face;
Lets replace smile where there was a frown;
Life is not all about winning a race.

Try being sunny this Sunday and everyday.


Sharing follows some strange arithmetical rules .

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #80‘.

Good morning Friends,

I have written enough about sharing,
Now you know how to become wealthy;
It displays your attitude, that is, caring,
It is a hobby both enriching and healthy.

Today lets talk about maths of sharing,
It doesn’t follow arithmetic equations;
These two you just can’t be comparing,
There are many surprising abrasions.

For example, if you share joys they multiply,
And if you share sorrows they decrease;
If you share time it simply tends to fly,
If you share greed it tends to increase.

If you share light it lessens not in brightness,
If you share darkness it makes you blind;
A gentleman doesn’t lose his politeness,
Simply because others are of a closed mind.

The sharing equation depends on you,
You can make it the way you desire;
Your intention of sharing is the right clue,
Oil can light but also set things on fire.

My wish for you today is simply this,
That you’d make your own sharing rules;
That you’d realise something is amiss,
If your sharing is only attracting the fools.

May the joys of sharing fill your bag today.


The Lure of the Forwards

The guy who bemoans ‘Forwards’ is also the one who forwards these blithely? That’s the lure of the ‘Forwards’. Everyone falls prey to them sometime or the other. Everyone complains; everyone is excited to receive ‘Likes’ on ‘Forwards’.

First of all we like the ring about the word. It is a modernistic – well – forward thing to do. Imagine, if these were actually to be called ‘retards‘ (some of these are actually that only). We’d feel ashamed to share these. However, with ‘Forwards’, we have the feel-good factor of belonging to a generation that is in with new and exciting trends.

Why Are Forwards Attractive?

Lets look at some of the other things that make these attractive.

First and foremost is the ease of sharing these. Initially, WhatsApp encouraged people to forward videos, images and messages without much restriction. But, then governments (the people who are convinced that you elected them to control your lives) stepped in to restrict and monitor. Even with the present restrictions by WhatsApp, for example (of forwarding to not more than five contacts or groups at a time), you can still forward these to thousands of people without any cost to yourself except that of your time. But that’s less than five minutes most of the times.

Second is the absence of ownership. Most of these don’t carry any mark of the original author. Earlier, we used to hope that people reading our ‘forwards’ would regard us as ‘original’ authors or creators of the forwards. Now that WhatsApp has started inserting the word ‘forwarded’ with such messages, we hope to be regarded as their ‘original’ discoverers on the net with ‘painstaking research’ that we often want to be known for.

These have fuzziness of origin. This bestows on us forwarders great advantages. In case our friends are floored by it, we can share some more views on the subject. Conversely, we can disassociate with these altogether by saying, “Yaar, it is only a ‘forward’.” Now imagine if you were to share your friend’s original writing or creation (how we hate these); you would be bracketed with the views for no fault of yours.

These enable Delinking from the grammar. Most ‘Forwards’ make mockery of the grammar and the language in which they are expressed. You can totally delink from it. Lets say, you have to write something original (what a calamity). You have to be careful about language, grammar and so many other things including the correctness of the facts. Now, that would be painful. However, in a ‘Forward’ sab kuchh chalta hai (everything is fair). Most often than not, if you ain’t sure, you can replace the suspect word with an emoji. Or better still, if someone points out incorrectness of something, you can respond with an emoji and let him or her figure out what you meant.

These are not taxing on the brain. With the modern emphasis on fast food and instant gratification, ‘Forwards’ provide light reading and viewing. These go well with our own (acquired) reasoning: “As it is the ruddy life is complicated these days. I don’t want to read Dostoevsky or Franz Kafka on social media. I just want to get away from the humdrum of life (which is about eighty percent of my free time; but, I don’t want to say it).”

Take blogs (acronym for Web Logs), for example. There are any number of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) organisations that would teach you not to write great articles but to write those (dumb ones) that would be popular on the net. Most bloggers, therefore, become net-savvy and technical-savvy rather than writing-savvy.

Forwards don’t ask questions.  Now this a great relief and advantage. Your friends who write original articles (the minority, that is) would nag you with such questions as, “I wrote a piece on China’s Maritime Strategy; I hope you read it?” Now, perforce, you have to read the damned thing and give opinions one way or the other (you can’t imagine responding to someone’s views on China’s Maritime Strategy with an emoji). A ‘Forward’ on the other hand can be just ignored when you are hard pressed for time (which is most of the times).

Forwards make you more popular. If you are one of the old-fashioned guys who actually delves into original writing after spending hours researching it, you are vaguely admired and respected by a few. The others respond to your so-called original writings in somewhat similar manner as they do to Mumbai Rains. Which is, that rains are most welcome when they start, say in mid June (“Ah, rains, so refreshing”). However, by mid July everyone is fed up of them. By mid August, you are praying frequently that there won’t be any more rains. In sharp contrast, ‘Forwards’ are like those light squalls that are welcome anytime, anywhere.

My own original writings, for example, hardly ever get me any comments except from a handful of people. However, my ‘brilliant Forwards’ are often (if not invariably) commented upon.

The ‘original authors and creators’ of ‘Forwards’ are really bright people. The guy who is essaying with something original has much to learn. However, “the ‘original authors and creators’ of ‘Forwards’ are highly professional people who are skilled to write what they write. It is such a pleasure reading them.”

Forwards, like Religion, do not carry time stamps.  They are like Tennyson’s Brook; they go on forever. In contrast, original writings, even blogs, carry time stamp. When you re-re-re-discover a ‘Forward’, you can start to get likes and comments as if it is just out of the oven.

What are the disadvantages, if at all, of ‘Forwards’?

It has been proved that out of all the people on earth, Indians indulge in ‘Forwards’ more than others. More than five years ago, in a piece titled Indian Media And the Dumbing Down Of The Indian Society, I had brought out how the media falls head over heels to keep the society dumbed-down. What is true of the media is also true of the social media. ‘Forwards’ keep you from any serious writing, reading, research, thought and innovation. Yes, you emerge as a ‘Master of Forwards’ (MF) whereas you should be a MA or PhD.

(Cartoon copied from

Popularity at the expense of quality is another Indian trait. In our system of democracy, we expect the dumbest of the people to rule the country simply because they obtain majority votes. The intellectuals, innovators, writers, authors, scientists etc hardly have any say.

They spread rumours. Most ‘Forwards’ appear very authentic but do not stand scrutiny of factual examination. Like Religion, the more they spread, the more following they get and obtain a degree of respectability. Finally, the danger starts when people start quoting them as ‘authentic information’.

They produce clones. Do you remember at one time people used to have tailor-made clothes? Then came blue-jeans and sizes that would fit vast numbers of people. We did away with that uniqueness that God bestowed upon each one of us. That was in clothes. With ‘Forwards’ we are going to do with thoughts too. Very soon people would start looking like emojis.

Social interactions are all about ‘influencing’ people. I would rather influence minds that can respond with unique and original thought processes rather than minds that have been conditioned to resemble vegetables by relentless barrage of ‘Forwards’.




Have a clear Conscience today and everyday.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #80‘.

Good morning Friends,

Have a look at yourself, God’s finest creation,
There is something inside you much deeper;
It is always with you in constant conversation,
It is your Conscience, a personal record-keeper.

It forever guides you about Right or Wrong,
It makes you happy when it is kept clear:
When it is fuzzy it doesn’t take you long,
To realise you ought to be more sincere.

When accepted, it acts as your best guide,
Finding ways to protect you from harm;
Even when you sleep it is awake wide-eyed,
You don’t set it but it has its own alarm.

If you have cultivated it in the right manner,
It can often be your most reliable friend;
It can act automatically as your life’s planner,
It can, to you, periodic reminders, send.

We don’t realise but God gave each of us,
The most powerful tool given to mankind;
Yes, like a child, it can often make fuss,
But it can unravel the mysteries of the mind.

A clear conscience is what I pray for you,
Today, everyday, and in whatever you do;
This sentinel guards you and your soul too,
It is for you to keep it clear, friendly and true.

Train it like a watchdog to protect your assets,
From dangers that lurk both inside and out;
May it keep you safe from all such threats,
And show you a clear way when in doubt.

May Conscience guide you to be righteous.



Have belief in yourself today and everyday.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #80‘.

Good morning Friends,

I want to talk about beliefs today,
Those that you hold close to your heart;
Before you can even have your say,
I can tell you of one that’d set you apart.

It is ‘Belief in Yourself‘ I want to stress,
Before you acquire any other belief;
With it you are headed for success,
Without it you have asked for grief.

God, I am sure, has made each of us,
A unique person with a defined goal;
It is for us to realise our mission and thus,
Quickly fit ourselves in that given role.

If we do that, we shall have no strife,
With ourselves and our situation;
This belief leads to a satisfied life,
And cuts out unnecessary frustration.

A person without self-belief is defeated,
Even before he has begun what he desires;
Even by the angels of luck he is cheated,
He can never achieve what he aspires.

My earnest wish for you today, hence,
That your self-belief shall be at its peak;
With that, before any task you’d commence,
It would have success that would be unique.

Conquer yourself to conquer the world,
Is Sri Guru Granth Sahib’s basic teaching;
Let this thought in your mind be unfurled,
I am not the one who’s into preaching.

Have a conversation with yourself today.


Giving leads to becoming richer and happier.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #79‘.

Good morning Friends,

I have spent my whole life-time,
To learn one simple truth:
It is giving that makes life sublime,
Whilst taking is somewhat uncouth.

What’s more, giving makes one richer,
Taking is admission of being poor;
Noisier is always the empty pitcher,
Full one is deep, silent and sure.

All persons are born equal at birth,
Some are, of course, much needier;
You have more, you must spread mirth,
By opting to be less greedier.

If you ever ask for more from God,
Ensure that it is more for giving;
Initially you may find it rather odd,
But, very little is required for living.

I pray for you on this beautiful day,
That joys of giving you would find;
That in some life you’d bring a ray,
Others would find you rich and kind.

That millions of blessings would make,
Your life richer, exalted and worthwhile;
And in popularity you’d soon overtake,
Your nearest competitor by a mile.

Have a blessed day.




Friends make life richer.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #78‘.

Good morning Friends,

If someone were to give me loads of money,
And luxuries beyond compare;
I’d still long for those who make my life sunny,
My friends who really care.

Friends make my life exciting,
Friends are my biggest treasure;
Yes, with them I have done even fighting,
But, no one has given me more pleasure.

(Image courtesy: Sunbyanyname)

Friends are not just part of my life,
They make my life complete;
They stand by me in peace and strife,
With them life is really so sweet.

This morning I think of all my friends,
Those who are close and those not so near,
Their friendship brings me great dividends,
Each one, to me, is very very dear.

Permit me to thank you, my friends, today,
For all that you’ve, for me, done;
To God, on this day, I earnestly pray,
Keep my friends safe, all and one.

This Tuesday, thank all friends for their friendship.


Play your role to the best of your ability.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #77‘.

Good morning Friends,

God has made this world as a stage,
Each one of us has a role to play;
So what if you are a king or a page,
For your act you can earn a bouquet.

For what we are required to do on earth,
By comparison we don’t have to be sad;
Each one of us has to realise own worth,
Each one has adequate reason to be glad.

Just as we admire in a play or a movie,
An actor who plays his role to perfection;
Even a minor role is regarded as groovy,
Worthy of the best actor’s award’s selection.

Hence, my today’s wish for you is this,
That God and all would applaud your act;
May in your performance you find bliss,
And may you achieve the highest impact.

May what you achieve in your given role,
Be the cause of envy for one and all;
May you proudly achieve your life’s goal,
And may, at the podium, you stand tall.

May this Monday bring you monumental success.



God is always kind.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #76‘.

Good morning Friends,

If one were to list virtues of our Lord,
Love and Kindness would be the first two;
Without these you just can’t think of God,
God without them doesn’t appear true.

Whilst in good times it is easy to see,
In times of trial it is difficult to realise;
At all times, however, His bounties are free,
One has to stand apart to actually visualise.

Imagine a world wherein God won’t love?
We would really have nowhere to go;
We would hopelessly look at the sky above,
Who else would, our inner desires, know?

Similarly, without His kindness how’d we cope,
With situations in which we have no friend;
It would be akin to world without hope,
Not just hard but cruel to comprehend.

Having gone through my own period of trial,
And seen God’s love and kindness at hand;
I want to strongly proclaim to those in denial,
Everything on earth happens at His command.

I pray for you today, tomorrow and everyday,
That you’d feel His Love always around you;
And if difficult times you’ve to face someday,
The reach of His kindness would astound you.

May God’s blessings shower on you today.




Jai Hind
Happy Indian Independence Day

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #75‘.

Good morning Friends,

It is easy to lose freedom, it is great to be free,
For nothing is as demeaning as a nation’s slavery;
We were subjugated because we became weak,
We called it upon ourselves for a few centuries.

The Western world were old masters at this game,
We fought among ourselves and faced this shame;
We had everything going for us except being strong,
Somehow we managed to douse our own flame.

It was hard to regain freedom with many a battle,
Meanwhile our people were treated like cattle;
Sadly, there were those who sided with the aggressor,
There were many others who indulged in tittle-tattle.

We also didn’t pay attention to a strong defence,
Our kings considered military preparation nonsense;
We indulged in song, dance, corruption and chicanery,
Very soon our independence became past tense.

(Image courtesy: RVCJ Media)

We won physical freedom but there is something amiss,
There are still many people for whom selfishness is bliss;
Whilst filling up their own coffers with ill-begotten riches,
They don’t really mind sending the nation down an abyss.

What sort of freedom is this when poor starve and die?
Is it freedom if to many freedom of speech we deny?
Everyday we show down protectors of independence,
And to the nation our politicians and bureaucrats lie.

True freedom would be as visualised by RN Tagore,
Where the mind is without fear and reason we adore;
Where narrow domestic walls don’t fragment the nation,
Where the dreary desert sand of dead habit we ignore.

Today, I wish for all of us independence that is true,
Where all of us get Justice, Liberty and Equality too;
Where a soldier is respected more than neta and babu,
Where national interest is foremost for everyone to pursue.

Happy Independence Day.
Jai Hind.



Small things make up a life.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #74‘.

Good morning Friends,

Life is made up of many small things;
Small things that we must value most.
Small things that actually give us wings,
Things for which we must raise a toast.

A smile, a peck, a pat, thanks and please,
Are some of the gestures that we adore;
These provide our life with the grease,
The rough edges, then, don’t nag anymore.

Whilst waiting for great things to take place,
We always tend to overlook these pearls;
These lend our interactions with that grace,
That straightens out many knots and curls.

And lo, as far as their costs are concerned,
These are nothing compared to their worth;
Though little, these are not to be spurned,
These invariably evoke goodwill and mirth.

I hope this Tuesday would bring you,
Bundles of joys in such little things;
May you discover their real value;
That was known to queens and kings.

Have a truly treasured Tuesday.



Gratefulness is a virtue worth having.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #73‘.

Good morning Friends,

Of all the virtues that one must possess,
Gratefulness brings the most contentment;
If you have it you are rid of undue stress,
Caused by others-have-more resentment.

When you thank God and others for all,
That they gave, did and are doing for you;
You do yourself a favour, by no means small,
And make others thank for your goodness too.

Lets begin the day by thanking our Creator,
For giving us the gift of yet another day;
There is no blessing that is at all greater,
Than that, on earth, longer we can stay.

Having gratefulness also may signify,
We are content with our situation;
What we don’t have doesn’t make us cry,
What we have gives us total elation.

Thanking others is just to endorse,
What they did and are doing for us;
It also does in our minds reinforce,
That acceptance is always without a fuss.

I thank you today for being what you are,
You make my life content and complete;
I see in each one of you a superstar,
Because of you life is happy and sweet.

Have a grateful day today.




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