Live every minute of life…

♥Good morning friends,

We tend to take those things for granted,
That occur with some regularity.
By their occurrence we are so enchanted,
That we actually lose the required clarity:
Nothing in this world is definite or sure,
We should never fall prey to the lure.

What’ll happen the next moment we don’t know,
Any moment can actually be our last.
Messenger of Death can deal a final blow,
And live and kicking can become past.
We should be guided by Life and not death,
Live it up, friends, until the last breath.

Death is for dying but Life is for living,
Life is the one that we should be focused at.
It should never lead to any misgiving,
To the Joy of Living we should raise our hat.
One day, we all have to leave,
But in Life, not in Death, we ought to believe.

….and don’t die before you do.


Love other human beings….

♥Good morning friends,

God made human beings to love one another,
As if the other one is our own sister or brother.
Everything on earth points to this simple fact,
Between us and other human beings there is a pact.

If God wanted us by ourselves to live alone,
The benefits of togetherness He won’t have shown.
If we go back in times to beginning of life human,
Each one of us is related to being born to same man and woman.

Love is between human beings the natural feeling,
Hatred destroys but Love is always healing.
Love other human beings as if your own,
Everyone has similar blood, flesh and bone.

….as if your own.


Don’t let go of the child completely….

♥Good morning friends,

Why do we love children so much?
Whether strangers or our own.
Innocent to look at, having the soft touch,
They’re more pleasant than anything we’ve known.

They may not appear to be worldly wise,
They tackle each task with a fresh approach.
Their innocence is a blessing in disguise,
Most things that they do are beyond reproach.

They’re enthusiastic about trying new things,
They don’t think twice before talking to strangers.
They take in their stride all mood swings,
They’re not deterred by obstacles and dangers.

Isn’t there a lesson in this for all of us?
We need to be childlike even when growing old.
Wisdom and knowledge are just superfluous,
We need to go beyond rules and break the mould.

A child is innovative and questions tradition,
A child doesn’t hold grudges for long.
A child does things for others without precondition,
A child accepts it quickly when it is in the wrong.

Whilst growing if we let go of the child,
We gain a little but lose much more.
Yes, to growing old we’ve to be reconciled,
But the need to be childlike we shouldn’t ignore.

….whilst growing old.



♥Good morning friends,

Today is the day to celebrate,
These messages are three hundred days old.
I hope I have been able to communicate,
Lessons that needed to be retold.
Thank you for staying with me this long,
Thank you for making me and these strong.

In the beginning even I doubted,
Whether I would be able to go this far.
But then, each day, when a new one sprouted,
I started seeing them as they are.
These have been thus a lesson to me too:
‘One step at a time can see me through.’

You and I have formed a great association,
In devouring these ditties one day at a time.
Both of us have together savoured the sensation,
Of accessing wisdom through reason and rhyme.
Please stay with me in the coming days,
A new trail we’ve been able to blaze.

….our partnership here is three hundred not out!


शुक्रिया दोस्तो आपने बनाया मुझे प्यार के काबिल,
सारे जहान की खुशियां मुझे हो गईं हासिल।

बस गए हो आप मेरी ज़िन्दगी में इस तरह,
मेरी खुशियों में हर वक़्त आप ही हो शामिल।

आप मेरे साथ हो तो ऐसा लगता है मुझे,
कोई भी काम या इरादा नहीं है मुश्किल।

आप है तो ज़िन्दगी है, प्यार है, मौसकी है,
जैसे तूफानी रात में किसी को मिल गया हो साहिल।

अब जब वापिस आप जा रहे हो मिलने के बाद,
आंख से ही हो, दिल ओ दिमाग से नहीं बोझिल।

जाइए अब मिलन की यादें ले जाइए,
संभाल के रखिए साथ ले जा रहे हो मेरा दिल।

रहेगा इंतज़ार मुझे आपके फिर आने का यूं, रवि,
मेरे वीराने में फिर से फूल जाएंगे खिल।


Happy Easter…

♥Good morning friends,

Easter, for us serves as a reminder,
That God can and will never die.
If at all, He emerges more loving and kinder.
You can never, to Good, bid good-bye.
Again and again Good over Evil prevails,
No matter, in the cross, you drive many nails.

Jesus demonstrated to us as a man,
The power of Good over Evil.
Good was, is and will be God’s plan,
He demonstrated it in times mediaeval.
This Easter let’s celebrate this fact,
God and Goodness shall stay intact.

….let’s celebrate the Risen Lord.


Listen to the songs of silence….

♥Good morning friends,

Sometimes silence can convey more than words,
Please watch even animal and birds.
They sit far but appear to have nearness,
Without anything spoken there appears to be clearness.
When they are alone and not in flocks or herds.

Silence as a language conveys much more,
There is much meaning in it even after or before.
We must be trained to hear,
By the heart and not the ear,
What silence conveys to us from its endless store.

….through the medium of your heart.


Storm is not the way of Life….

♥Good morning friends,

Every day is followed by dark night,
Nay, every night is followed by daybreak.
It depends upon where you set your sight,
Life can be headache or a piece of cake.
God gives us life as a clean slate,
We can make it drab or make it great.

There are two ways of looking at most things,
The positive people look at the brighter side,
Whereas the optimist can dance as his hear sings,
The pessimist expects and prepares for landslide.
God gives us life as a clean slate,
We can make it drab or make it great.

Yesterday was stormy, but that day is past,
Today is sunny and tomorrow will be better.
There is never a reason to be downcast,
No one gains if you are a fretter.
God gives us life as a clean slate,
We can make it drab or make it great.

Sunbyanyname promises you sunnier days ahead,
God actually wants us to have a wonderful time.
This God’s word, please help me spread.
This fact is, of God’s Creation, the real paradigm:
God gives us life as a clean slate,
We can make it drab or make it great.

….there are always sunnier days ahead.


A little humility can achieve much more….

♥Good morning friends,

Laws of interactions don’t follow geometry,
So, when you bend, you actually emerge taller.
That’s really a strange thing about humility,
You bow but you are nowhere near being smaller.
You decide to lose but actually gain.
Your simple act never goes in vain.

The greater a man is the more humility he has,
This too is against plain geometry.
That’s why a humble man is sometimes known as,
The one blessed with great civility.
Everyone is made by the same God,
How can His creations be flawed.

Sometimes in anger or in rage,
When you have an urge to show the other down.
From the immediate situation just disengage,
And let humility replace your frown.
And lo, you suddenly emerge on top,
How long the madness can go on nonstop?

….than heaps of anger and arguments.


No one can ever buy Time….

♥Good Morning Friends,

Sometimes one uses the expression:
“For this, I haven’t got the Time.”
That leads us to the question:
If the reality escapes us sometime.
Time no one ever possesses,
You can see it go by as it progresses.

Time is never in anyone’s hand,
Even though we wear it on the wrist.
All the time runs out the sand,
We can’t hold what we’ve already missed.
Time no one ever possesses,
You can see it go by as it progresses.

So the wise use that moment well,
That is now here but fleeting.
Next moment for you’ll come, you can’t tell,
Enjoy whilst the heart’s still beating.
Time no one ever possesses,
You can see it go by as it progresses.

….not even a moment.


Thank God we can disagree…

♥Good morning friends,

Even when we disagree with anyone,
There is no reason to be rude.
Disagreements are to be taken in stride,
They needn’t lead to a feud.

There is no way all people can agree,
On one way of doing anything.
God has given us the right to disagree,
He hasn’t given us the right to sting.

Different perspectives need to be celebrated,
Rather than being viewed as threats.
Those who have the art to gracefully differ,
Do so without anger and regrets.

If everyone would have the same view,
How boring the world would be.
Hence we should value these differences,
Rather than on everything grudgingly agree.

….and still be friends.


Music represents all known emotions….

♥Good morning friends,

After God created a beautiful world,
With rivers, hills, trees and flowers;
He then created Music for us,
To fill up our vacant hours.

And He said this would be one medium,
To represent all possible emotions.
In addition it would have all sounds on earth,
Including those of skies and oceans.

And not just with the hearts of beings,
He made Music to sync with one’s soul.
Your life may be scattered here and there,
But, Music would make it whole.

That’s why in notes of Music,
You can often hear God speak to you.
There is never a language barrier,
Everything about Music is good and true.

….and syncs with our heart and soul.


Keeping desires under check….

Good morning friends,

With great tenacity we stick to our desires,
And they gradually become like wild fires.
We sometimes feel there won’t be life without them,
There is no way, we feel, their flow we can stem.

The truth is that our desires we constantly feed,
We always want to have more than we need.
Gradually we become under their control.
And they, not we, become our life’s goal.

Desires and Trust in God are poles apart,
God has already provided what should be in our heart.
By nourishing our desires we convey to Him,
The chances of our liking His gifts are dim.

In the end we have to invariably bow to His will,
Even if at first glance it appears downhill.
We should gradually learn to live without desires,
God already knows what each of us requires.

….is a great way to find yourself and God.


Everyone deserves a smile….

♦Good morning friends,

Just make it your style,
To have for everyone a smile.
You will be able to see,
That it brings all round glee,
And does wonders to your own profile.

Of all the gifts that God gave Man,
Very few accomplish what smile can.
Your enemies it can disarm,
And you find there is no harm,
In believing Smile is part of God’s plan.

Receiving one is a great reward,
Especially when given by own accord,
By someone grateful to you,
For things that you did or do,
It is nice to know you are adored.

The worth of a smile only he knows,
Who is covered with misery up to his nose.
It is as if in a rough patch,
Not a whiff of air he can catch,
But he comes across the most beautiful rose.

….and it doesn’t cost a thing.


God is Love and….

­Good morning friends,

We know God is without an end,
But for Love too it is true.
You can’t easily comprehend,
What God can, Love can also do
Love is God’s another name,
Both do and feel the same.

We also know God is omnipotent,
It is nothing less than significant,
That both have the same source?
Whilst God occupies the highest place,
Love shares with Him the same space.

In life if you have loved never,
You’ve never experienced God,
Both are truly with us forever,
Their trueness we can applaud.
“God, your Love I can always feel,
Like you, Love can always heal.”

….Love is God.


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