Elect God in your life….

♥ Good morning friends,

We go about electing women and men,
Who forget about us the moment they’re elected.
So why not elect God again and again,
Who remains with us even when He’s rejected.

He has no other hidden agenda anywhere,
But to think of doing good for us all.
He is one to one with us through our prayer,
He considers us equal whether big or small.

His promises are never false and dubious,
Just to win our votes and hearts.
His campaign is never filthy and malicious,
He is always on top of the charts.

“God, you’ll always be the winner for me,
I elect you day after day night after night.
You represent the complete universe and humanity,
With you my choice is always good and right.”

….He is always the right choice.


A friend put up a picture of his finger and himself after voting. This is what I wrote for him instantly:

नाखून पे लगी है काली लकीर,
वोट देने के बाद फिर बन गए फकीर,
मुस्करा क्यूं रहे हो मेरे भाई?
आपकी नहीं उसकी बदली है तकदीर!

अब दुआ करो तुम्हारी वोट से वह जीत ना जाए,
नहीं तो पांच साल रहोगे मूंह लटकाए,
“इस गधे को नेता बनाने में मेरा भी हाथ था,
शर्म से हम किसी को क्या बताएं?”

Indian Democracy की यही तो है परिभाषा,
एक दिन आशा और पांच साल निराशा,
क्या उंगली दिखा रहे हो फोटो में?
पांच साल वह दिखाएगा जिसे तुमने न तराशा।

उंगली क्यूं मूंह करवा आते काला,
देके हर पांच साल चुनाव का हवाला,
सिर्फ NOTA ही सही है इन बदमाशों के लिए,
वरना गायो, “मार डाला…हाय, मार डाला….”


The world is just a reflection….

♥Good morning friends,

The world is as beautiful as you think,
You can change the way it looks in a blink.
When you’re happy it looks bright,
When you’re sad it is anything but right,
It is black now and next moment it’s pink.

Everything in the world is also the way you see,
Serious, happy, dull, burdened or carefree.
The world appears to be a reflection,
Of your inner complexion,
To make it what it should be you have the key.

Have you realised this is great power indeed?
Our ability to change the world is guaranteed.
It responds to our mood,
Our outlook and attitude,
It assumes the same colour, belief and creed.

“Thank you, God, for putting my world under my control,
I can change it in parts or as a whole.
It is exactly what I imagine it to be,
And even though it follows your decree,
It still manages to be in sync with my soul.”

….of your inner self.


एक ज़माना था जब हम भी सो लेते थे,
ख्वाबों में ही सही पर उनके हो लेते थे।

वैसे तो खिजा ने कभी ना छोड़ा अपना दामन,
दो पल के लिए बहारों के फूल हम बो लेते थे।

हसना तो कभी नसीब में ना हुआ लेकिन,
इत्मीनान से हम उनकी बज़्म में रो लेते थे।

तन्हाइयां उस वक़्त भी कटती ना थी आसान,
पर तन्हाइयों में ज़ख्म ए गम धो लेते थे।

बहुत मुश्किल था ज़िन्दगी का भोझ उस वक़्त भी,
हम फिर भी खुशी खुशी ढो लेते थे।

पाया तो तुम्हे बहुत बार, मेरी चांद,
मजबूरी यह थी के पा के फिर तुम्हें खो देते थे।

एक ज़माना था जब हम भी सो लेते थे….


Don’t discount small things in life….

Lifestyle consists of series of events small,
That you remember better than the big ones.
How the big events affect life you may not recall,
But the small ones you remember after many suns.

Someone gave you his brightest smile,
Or his appreciation really made your day.
It would stay in your memory for quite a while,
Every now and then in your mind it’d replay.

Who remembers what you did when last war broke out,
Or when the first man landed on the moon?
But when your friend called you have no doubt,
And you walked in the first rain of the monsoon.

This has, for all of us, a beautiful lesson:
We should take pains to get the small ones right.
Perhaps someone’s burden we can lessen,
Or maybe someone’s day can be made bright.

Maybe our kindness he’d still recall,
After days, months and years.
Maybe for him it wasn’t all that small,
Maybe our gesture stopped his tears.

Don’t ever discount, in life, small things,
They lend to life colour and pep.
The real joys of life are carried on their wings,
They bloom like flowers at your doorstep.

….you recall them better than the big things.


Mind has infinite powers….

♥Good morning friends,

Today I want to talk about Mind again,
Even if it appears I’ve said it before.
Each one has been given a most powerful brain,
All that we need to do is its powers to explore.
The entire universe exists because of it,
A man without it is a total misfit.

It has been given powers to remember and record.
An equally great power is to forget.
Generations of data it has in it stored,
Both the powers can be liability or asset.
Mind can travel much faster than Light,
It can see far beyond the eyesight.

Mind is far ahead of the computers it designs,
It’s powers appear to be unlimited.
It breaks the shackles of all confines,
It can be slave to the wise and master to the dim-witted.
It can be trained to give what you demand,
Or it can enslave you under its command.

Those who know how to conquer their Mind,
Have in their control the whole universe.
They’re not to their destiny resigned.
Imagination for them is never a curse.
Mind helps its owner to find its Creator,
Mind knows there is no one who’s greater.

….only you have the power to control it.


Spread happiness wherever you go….

♥Good morning friends,

I have often heard people wishing on birthdays,
That they’d live long, say, a hundred years.
I can very well understand this obsession or craze,
For human life indeed is full of cheers.
But a happy life is better than a long one,
Making others happy too before it is done.

Look at how beautiful a lily is just for a day,
Although it would fall and die that night.
In how many people’s hearts it’d stay,
Because of its outlook, colourful and bright.
You too can make your life happy and a delight,
Whatever be your situation beam your light.

All you need to do is to change the focus,
From yourself to others and to God.
For every small problem don’t make a fuss,
By your every situation don’t be overawed.
A life that’s lived only for one’s own needs,
Has intrinsically in it unhappiness’s seeds.

Smile and let your life be enriching,
For all those whose lives it touches.
It is almost like a tapestry you’re stitching.
It brings joy to others with all its patches.
“God, make me of happiness and beauty a beacon,
Gradually make my desires and focus on myself weaken.”

….and see your happiness grow.


Things happen as per God’s plan….

How often we have seen as we go about living,
That things happen only at a particular time.
No matter about somethings we may have misgiving,
But they happen without reason or rhyme.

Conversely, we may plan something quite in advance,
But, it may never take place at all.
We write it off to just luck or chance,
But, such occurrences are actually banal.

Then there are days that are inspiring and bright,
Whilst others are just dull and sad.
If only someone on this phenomenon shed a little light,
If only you knew how to stay happy and glad.

The fact is in this world that is intertwined,
There are forces and variables beyond our control.
Some of the effects are not single but combined,
Each one of us has a separate but interdependent role.

Hence, we must take everything in our stride,
Knowing that on earth we are not alone.
For every up somewhere there is a downside,
Somethings won’t happen, others you can’t postpone.

“God whatever you give me, let me take it with humility,
Let me not fret about things I can’t control,
Teach me that I must understand the futility,
Of having my wishes and desires to be met as a whole.”

….and not because of our desires and wishes.


We’re going through life with hardly a joy,
And then God decided to bless us.
He gave to us a most wonderful boy,
And all the happiness to caress us.
Happy Birthday, Arjun, the bestest of the best.
With you in our life we’re always blessed.

We know that God didn’t make, like you, another,
His unique creation we heartily applaud.
The best son, husband, friend and brother,
Anyone who sees you starts believing in God.
Happy Birthday, Arjun, the bestest of the best.
With you in our life we’re always blessed.

May good health, love and glory always be with you,
May happiness follow wherever you go.
May success be the result whatever you pursue,
May others get light by your heavenly glow.
Happy Birthday, Arjun, the bestest of the best.
With you in our life we’re always blessed.

Your mama and papa thank God today,
As indeed we do every day and hour.
For letting us bask in the divine sun ray,
And take in our hands the most beautiful flower.
Happy Birthday, Arjun, the bestest of the best.
With you in our life we’re always blessed.


When you curse yourself and your fate….

♥Good morning friends,

When did you last have with yourself a talk,
And discover the wonderful person you really are?
With just you in your company go out for a walk,
Locate and follow your own lodestar.
You have in you billions of years of God’s Creation,
You yourself are the cause of joyous celebration.

Next time when you stop to curse your fate,
For not having what you think others possess.
Remember, it took evolution eons to create,
And follow a process you can never guess.
You have in you billions of years of God’s Creation,
You yourself are the cause of joyous celebration.

Do you have any idea how important you are to God?
He looks at you as His work of a lifetime.
And then without knowing you find yourself flawed,
Whereas you are beautiful, you are sublime.
You have in you billions of years of God’s Creation,
You yourself are the cause of joyous celebration.

Cursing yourself is to find faults with your Maker,
And convey to Him what a shoddy job He’s done.
Always remember God is a masterly caretaker,
His best work? Well, you’re the one.
You have in you billions of years of God’s Creation,
You yourself are the cause of joyous celebration.

….you curse God and His Creation.


Don’t go searching for happiness outside….

♥Good morning friends,

He walked all over the earth,
Trying to find that golden treasure.
It would, he knew, fill him with mirth.
But to find it he lost all his leisure.

From town to town he went looking,
He crossed many rivers and hills.
At many a place he had his booking,
To obtain his desire he learnt many skills.

Finally, it became his strongest obsession,
He would somehow get it at any cost.
He would proudly display it as his possession,
So what if all else he would have lost.

Finally on a mountain he met a sage,
And said his desire to find Happiness was strong.
Imagine his own sense of outrage,
When the sage showed him he had it all along.

Don’t go searching for something outside,
That you already have within you.
It is lying there almost unidentified,
Simply because you don’t believe it’s true.

Happiness is not a bird in the sky,
That you’d capture and put in a cage,
It isn’t something that you can buy,
It is within, learn to feel it and gauge.

.…look within and you’d find it.


Yes, indeed, look after your body….

♥Good morning friends,

In one’s lifetime, curiously, an average person,
Does much more for the body than for the soul.
“Ah, my looks, health and physique shouldn’t worsen,
My soul, in any case, is not under my control.”

Such approach, pardon me, reeks of naivete,
For we are more soul than we are flesh and blood.
Soul goes on and shall never decay,
But body emerged from and shall go back to mud.

Nourishing Soul, indeed, requires more pains,
Than what we take for caring for the body.
Even though unclear appear to be its gains,
You just can’t do a job that is shoddy.

Body is for now, Soul is forever,
It continues to live even after your (body’s) death.
So, even if in your life you are half as clever,
You should look after your soul till your last breath.

….but don’t ever neglect your soul.


Your mind is a minefield….

Does the fear of failure keeps you from trying?
“I’ll land with a thud” keeps you from flying?
Just give it a thought,
It’s like a new Life you bought,
But you can’t start living ’cause of fear of dying.

‘Nothing ventured, nothing won’ is a good adage,
That we must remember at every age.
Don’t ever admit defeat,
Even before you compete,
Since that would be nothing short of outrage.

‘Fortune favours the bold’ should be your cue,
You’ve got a chance given only to a few.
First imagine success,
Before the task you address,
And see how elements conspire to make it come true.

Every battle is to be fought first in the mind,
Before in the battlefield you yourself find.
What you imagine you get,
You are your biggest threat or asset,
When you pass through a field that is mined.

….tread carefully.


There is no greater gift….

♥Good morning friends,

When you love someone a great deal,
And you want to gift something precious.
Nothing in a Mall would have greater appeal,
Nothing would ever appear so gracious.
The gift of time is by far the best,
Nothing even close to it anyone can suggest.

Human beings think only of themselves by design,
They can ill-afford time on others to waste.
To think of others is akin to being divine,
Not many are in that frame placed.
Therefore, such gift has great value,
For another person the best you can do.

Parents for their children keep waiting,
So that with them some time they can spend.
Many have said it gets very frustrating,
But the waiting doesn’t ever come to an end.
If only some time the kids would spare,
For those who think of them as answer to prayer.

So think of Time having leased to you,
Not just for yourself but also for others.
Spend it with friends both old and new,
And also with your fathers and mothers.
You would certainly realise it’s worth,
When your own children complain of its dearth.

….than the gift of Time.



♥Good morning friends,

When you suddenly want to become rich:
You don’t appear to be having a stitch?
You think you can’t spare anything?
Your poverty appears to sting?
Your own situation is really bad.
“How can I give? I am not mad.”

Suddenly you find God has provided.
Your good-luck you yourself decided.
By bringing smile to the face of the needy.
You proved that you can never be greedy.
Lo and behold you’re richer than before.
God rewards your kindness by giving you more.
Give and Live.

….and live.


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