RRR Songs (Songs of Regret, Repentance and Ruefulness)

I started this new series on 17 Jan 21 on my Facebook Group Yaad Kiya Dil Ne. My efforts failed to involve people in writing their own stuff about songs and music rather than copying and pasting from here and there or worse, just sharing url of songs from YouTube. Hence, I had decided to give the group a burial that it deserved rather than making it like thousands of groups on Facebook about songs with nothing unique about them at all.

Hence this series shifted to my page Lyrical.

I hope you liked RRR Song #23: Woh bhooli dastaan lo phir yaad aa gayi. Here is the next song:

Song #24
Seene mein sulagte hain armaan

Lyrics and Composition Par Excellence

Once in a while, a song comes along and it leaves you stunned by the beauty of its lyrics and composition. This is one of them. Prem Dhawan and Anil Biswas have come up with a combination for an RRR Song that keeps playing in the recesses of your mind long after the track finishes. Another similar RRR song that comes to mind was put together by Indeevar and Timir Baran: Kaise koi jeeye zehar hai zindagi.

Anil Biswas thought of composing this in the simplest of raagas: Raag Kalyan.


At the outset, let’s look at the excellent lyrics by Prem Dhawan:

तलत: सीने में सुलगते हैं अरमां
आँखों में उदासी छाई है
ये आज तेरी दुनिया से हमें
तक़दीर कहाँ ले आई है
सीने में सुलगते हैं अरमां

लता: कुछ आँख में आँसू बाकी हैं
जो मेरे ग़म के साथी हैं – २
अब दिल हैं ना दिल के अरमां हैं – २
बस मैं हूँ मेरी तन्हाई है
सीने में सुलगते हैं अरमां

तलत: न तुझसे गिला कोई हमको
ना कोई शिकायत दुनिया से
दो चार कदम जब मन्ज़िल थी – २
क़िस्मत ने ठोकर खाई है
सीने में सुलगते हैं अरमां

लत: कुछ ऐसी आग लगी मन में
जीने भी ना दे मरने भी ना दे …
चुप हूँ तो कलेजा जलता है – २
बोलूँ तो तेरी रुसवाई है
बोथ: सीने में सुलगते हैं अरमां

How Did the Song Come About?

(Courtesy: cinestaan.com)

The song is from the 1951 Ram Daryani movie Tarana starring Dilip Kumar and Madhubala, the movie that ushered in their real life romance that finally didn’t end well.

Here, in this movie, Dr Motilal’s (Dilip Kumar) plane crashes near a village. HGe falls in love with Tarana (Madhubala), a villager Surdas’s daughter. Two things upset their apple-cart: one, a rich man of the village is after her to marry her and Motilal’s father wants him to marry a rich lady Sheela.

The rich man’s machinations end up in the father Surdas doubting the character of his daughter Tarana and setting the house on fire with her in it. She is believed to be dead. Later, of course, all works out well for them.

The song is sung when they are separated at the behest of the village rich man Totaram.

My Own Poetry


वो लौटा रहें हैं मेरा सामान,
और जला रहे हैं सब कुछ,
मेरी आरज़ू है सितमगर
मेरे अश्क भी जला दें
ताके दिल के समुन्दर में
वो तूफ़ान फिर ना उभरे;
जो मरहले खड़े थे
उन्हें ठोकर से मिटा दें
काश हम ना होते वो ना होते,
और ये आरज़ू ना होती
तेरी आँखों में जो सरूर था
वो सरूर भी हटा दें
मैं भूल गया हूँ सब कुछ,
तेरे प्यार की नज़र में
मेरी कौन सी है मंजिल
मुझे कुछ तो अब पता दें
अब दिल न हो, प्यार ना हो,
और ना रहे उनकी यादें,
कोई उनसे जाके कह दे,
मेरी हस्ती ही मिटा दें

The Song

Please enjoy Talat Mahmood and Lata Mangeshkar singing for Dilip Kumar and Madhubala respectively: Seene mein sulagte hain armaan…

I hope you liked Song #24 in this series.

Please await Song #25: Humse aaya na gaya.


Author: Sunbyanyname

I have done a long stint in the Indian Navy that lasted for nearly thirty seven years; I rose as far as my somewhat rebellious and irreverent nature allowed me to. On retirement, in Feb 2010, the first thing that occurred to me, and those around me, was that I Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (you will find an article with this title in this blog) and hadn't lost all my noodles and hence thought of a blog titled 'This 'n That'. I later realised that every third blog is called 'This 'n That' and changed the name to 'Sunbyanyname'. I detest treading the beaten track. This blog offers me to air 'another way' of looking at things. The idea is not just to entertain but also to bring about a change. Should you feel differently, you are free to leave your comments. You can leave comments even when you agree and want to share your own experience about the topic of the blog post. Impudent or otherwise, I have never been insousciant and I am always concerned about the betterment of community, nation and the world. I hope the visitors of this blog would be able to discern it.


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