What if “Ungrateful” and “Unfair” people….

Good Morning Friends,

Since each one of us has unique point of view,
Each one finds others as ungrateful and unfair;
It is similar to what drivers on Indian roads do,
“Of the other mad drivers on road just beware.”
It is human nature never to be worthy of blame,
“We are different but the others are all the same.”

Look within and we shall find all the wrongs,
That we are forever trying to find in others;
Each one of us to the same family belongs,
Though we’ve different fathers and mothers.
If we want our own view points to be respected,
How come of the others are always suspected?

It’d be boring if we were identical in all respects,
Variety indeed adds colour to everyday life,
Yes, it appears to make life a little more complex,
And it looks like we’re always headed for strife.
The solution is not with others but with us:
Just stop making, over others, all the fuss.

Let’s just remove our glasses and clean the dust,
And consider that others too have a right to be.
Let’s not forget that savouries with hard crust,
Often have soft cores that we don’t ever see.
People are as good or as bad as we care to think,
Forget others let’s in our armour look for chink.

….find us ungrateful and unfair?

Author: Sunbyanyname

I have done a long stint in the Indian Navy that lasted for nearly thirty seven years; I rose as far as my somewhat rebellious and irreverent nature allowed me to. On retirement, in Feb 2010, the first thing that occurred to me, and those around me, was that I Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (you will find an article with this title in this blog) and hadn't lost all my noodles and hence thought of a blog titled 'This 'n That'. I later realised that every third blog is called 'This 'n That' and changed the name to 'Sunbyanyname'. I detest treading the beaten track. This blog offers me to air 'another way' of looking at things. The idea is not just to entertain but also to bring about a change. Should you feel differently, you are free to leave your comments. You can leave comments even when you agree and want to share your own experience about the topic of the blog post. Impudent or otherwise, I have never been insousciant and I am always concerned about the betterment of community, nation and the world. I hope the visitors of this blog would be able to discern it.

One thought on “GOOD MORNING MESSAGE #243”

  1. Short and crisp, Ravi PaaJi, but touching upon a very important part of our lives, as Coinhabitants on this planet.
    The quickest thought that comes to mind is, सौ स्याणे, इको गल
    (and if we differ, we are NOT Wise.)

    अव्वल अलह नूरु उपाइआ, कुदरत के सब बंदे !
    एक नूर ते सब जग उपजा, कौन भले, कोउ मंदे !!
    When we point One Finger at Another,
    Three Fingers are pointing at Us.
    We are Judges for everyone else
    But very good Advocates for ourselves.
    This is the root cause of Criticism which, if for the purpose of finding betterment together, is a positive called Constructive criticism
    but most often, it is beyond – to condemn and perhaps score Brownie points. This is where it becomes a negative carried down with lingering effects, trying to get even at the very first opportunity.
    Yesterday we discussed about it this can be the beginning and route of hate being observed in the system.
    I am really amazed at the foresight and wisdom of our Rishis and Saints who have given every positive first interaction with fellows – Relatives Friends, Superior, Colleague, and even unknown –
    and that magical word is #Namaste, (#नमस्ते), which finds Root in Sanskrit and disintegrates to नमः अस्तु –
    The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you
    The physical attributes, dress etc become irrelevant, as both the people are made see each other as #Atman_Swaroop
    At that level, obviously there can be no difference,
    And no need for any argument except acceptance,
    and Brotherhood, Harmony, Unity, Common Purpose.
    Pastor Eddie D Smith Sr – The Meaning of Namaste’
    As we distance from Our Cultural Heritage, Stress, Blood pressure and physical disorders (even mental), creep into our lives.
    In a family of 4-5 siblings, despite identical bringing up, they are not alike. But don’t we accept our siblings for who and what they are?
    Imagine, when the bringing up is also different, and learning/s from Life of each one of us is different, why should anyone else see things from the perspective that I have – based on my understanding. and knowledge?

    People are not wrong they are just different and in this difference lies the progress for both, if that is the real intent.

    We have forgotten the art of being kind, caring, loving or maybe these have become dormant in the heart and One-up-ship has taken the top slot in our mind.
    The solution lies in seeing things from others perspective and accepting with conviction, that even we could be wrong often Times.
    Without inculcate in this in our practice, the mind will not be at peace to progress for our real purpose of human life and it may prove to be a golden opportunity wasted.

    In the story of Radha and Krishna the same sentiment has been except expressed by Krishna and Radha asked by Krishna could not marry her,
    Krishna sad for marriage you need to people but you are not different from me.

    There is an interesting Sakhi (anecdotal story) which conveys that the disciples of Kabir Saheb and Guru Nanak Dev Sahib organised a meeting between them,
    Both sides of disciples wer very thrilled that it will be #a_great_discourse that they would witness
    Both Saint Kabir and Guru Nanak Dev Sahib occupied their respective places on the Dias, Looked at each other and not a word spoken for about 90 minutes, And then parted, Travel to the respective places.
    Enroute, the disciples of both, utterly surprised at 90 minutes silence, asked that there was no conversation?

    Both had the same answer to their disciples
    “#To_converse_you_need_two_people but He was the same as I am.”.
    Kabir Saheb said to his disciples

    नानकशाह कीन्हा तप भारी। सब विधि भये ज्ञान अधिकारी।।
    भक्ति भाव ताको समिझाया। तापर सतगुरु कीनो दाया।।
    जिंदा रूप धरयो तब भाई। हम पंजाब देश चलि आई।।
    अनहद बानी कियौ पुकारा। सुनिकै नानक दरश निहारा।।
    सुनिके अमर लोककी बानी। जानि परा निज समरथ ज्ञानी।।

    Guru Nanak Dev Saheb said to his disciples

    आवा पुरूष महागुरु ज्ञानी। अमरलोकी सुनी न बानी।।
    अर्ज सुनो प्रभु जिंदा स्वामी। कहँ अमरलोक रहा निजधामी।।
    काहु न कही अमर निजबानी। धन्य कबीर परमगुरु ज्ञानी।।
    कोई न पावै तुमरो भेदा। खोज थके ब्रह्मा चहुँ वेदा।।
    The next line we feel like criticizing someone,
    Let our Cultural Namaste guide us,
    as also Sakhi of Sant Kabir and Guru Nanak Dev Sahib
    And the answer of Krishna, be our Guide.
    and We will find, In Acceptance is Bliss and Real Progress,
    Let Us also keep introspecting, and refining, Evolving,
    to become Worthy of Divine Guidance.
    “एक ने कही दूजे ने मानी नानक कहे दोनों ज्ञानी”

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