If someone were to give you a Time Machine….

If someone were to put you in a Time-Machine,
At what point in Eternity you’d make your scene?
Would you like to be there in some unknown future,
Or in the distant past where Man has already been?

Most dream of the past with the capability of today,
Or have some future skills and live in yesterday.
If being elsewhere in Time makes you so excited,
Why not love the present before it goes away?

Present Time is actually a present, God’s gift,
There is no requirement to give it a face-lift.
If we live it well, it would become golden past,
And simultaneously our future won’t be adrift.

We don’t need the Time-Machine for times ahead,
We don’t need to access what’s gone and even dead.
Just live your present the way it ought to be lived,
Your past and future you would never never dread. 

….still choose the Present.

Author: Sunbyanyname

I have done a long stint in the Indian Navy that lasted for nearly thirty seven years; I rose as far as my somewhat rebellious and irreverent nature allowed me to. On retirement, in Feb 2010, the first thing that occurred to me, and those around me, was that I Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (you will find an article with this title in this blog) and hadn't lost all my noodles and hence thought of a blog titled 'This 'n That'. I later realised that every third blog is called 'This 'n That' and changed the name to 'Sunbyanyname'. I detest treading the beaten track. This blog offers me to air 'another way' of looking at things. The idea is not just to entertain but also to bring about a change. Should you feel differently, you are free to leave your comments. You can leave comments even when you agree and want to share your own experience about the topic of the blog post. Impudent or otherwise, I have never been insousciant and I am always concerned about the betterment of community, nation and the world. I hope the visitors of this blog would be able to discern it.

2 thoughts on “GOOD MORNING MESSAGE #241”

  1. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery !!
    Today is a gift, that is why it’s called “#Present”.

    Worry does not handle tomorrow’s fears,
    It takes away today’s wisdom and energy to live the present well and secure the future.

    Procrastination is the Art of Living in Yesterday.

    The Best Preparation for Tomorrow is To Live Today performing the Best for todays’ tasks.

    The future is already predestined,
    Just that it unfolds to us day by day, Moment by Moment.
    Have faith in HIM, and Live every moment to the fullest.


    ब्रह्म जो सदा से सत्य हैं और सदैव सत्य रहेंगे,
    जिनकी अनुभूति ॐ के रूप में होती हैं
    जो मनुष्य चींटी, हाथी में उसी जीव का अकार लेते निराकार हैं
    जन्म मरण से रहत हैं , अद्वैत , जो अपने जैसे एक ही हैं
    पुरखा जो आत्म सत्ता शयन कर रहे हैं वैकुण्ठ में भी और हरेक जीव में भी
    कण कण में विराजमान ,
    और #जो_सब_कुछ_मुझ_जीव_के_वास्तविक_कल्याण_मात्र_के_लिए_करते_हैं
    ऐसे परम ईश्वर को मैं समर्पित हूँ
    Even otherwise

    भगवान विष्णु गरुड़ पर बैठ कर कैलाश पर्वत पर गए।
    द्वार पर गरुड़ को छोड़ कर खुद शिव से मिलने अंदर
    चले गए। तब कैलाश की अपूर्व प्राकृतिक शोभा
    को देख कर गरुड़ मंत्रमुग्ध थे कि तभी उनकी नजर
    एक खूबसूरत छोटी सी चिड़िया पर पड़ी।
    चिड़िया कुछ इतनी सुंदर थी कि गरुड़ के सारे
    विचार उसकी तरफ आकर्षित होने लगे।

    उसी समय कैलाश पर यम देव पधारे और अंदर जाने से
    पहले उन्होंने उस छोटे से पक्षी को आश्चर्य की
    द्रष्टि से देखा। गरुड़ समझ गए उस चिड़िया का अंत
    निकट है और यमदेव कैलाश से निकलते ही उसे अपने
    साथ यमलोक ले जाएँगे।

    गरूड़ को दया आ गई। इतनी छोटी और सुंदर
    चिड़िया को मरता हुआ नहीं देख सकते थे। उसे अपने
    पंजों में दबाया और कैलाश से हजारो कोश दूर एक
    जंगल में एक चट्टान के ऊपर छोड़ दिया, और खुद
    बापिस कैलाश पर आ गया।

    आखिर जब यम बाहर आए तो गरुड़ ने पूछ ही लिया
    कि उन्होंने उस चिड़िया को इतनी आश्चर्य भरी
    नजर से क्यों देखा था।

    यम देव बोले “गरुड़ जब मैंने
    उस चिड़िया को देखा तो मुझे ज्ञात हुआ कि वो
    चिड़िया कुछ ही पल बाद यहाँ से हजारों कोस दूर
    एक नाग द्वारा खा ली जाएगी। मैं सोच रहा था
    कि वो इतनी जलदी इतनी दूर कैसे जाएगी, पर अब
    जब वो यहाँ नहीं है तो निश्चित ही वो मर चुकी

    गरुड़ समझ गये “मृत्यु टाले नहीं टलती चाहे कितनी भी चतुराई की जाए।”

    इस लिए कृष्ण कहते है:

    करता तू वह है जो तू चाहता है, परन्तु होता वह है जो में चाहता हूँ
    #कर_तू_वह_जो_में_चाहता_हूँ . फिर होगा वो जो तू चाहेगा ।

    कोई लाख करे चतुराई कर्म का लेख मिटे ना रे भाई

    इस दुनिया में भाग्य के आगे चले ना किसी का उपाय…
    इक दिन इसी किस्मत के कारण,
    वन को गए थे रघुराई रे…
    कर्म का लेख मिटे ना रे भाई
    We can do nothing about the past for it’s gone and over
    but we can ruin a perfectly good today by brooding over it and worrying .
    कल का द्वेष, कल की चिंता, ‘कल-कल’ में जीवन जाए,
    हैं सारी खुशियां आज में, क्यों कल की भेंट चढ़ाए !!

  2. Thank you Rakesh Aman Bhatia. Your comments are very well thought of and thought provoking.

    God is Timeless though everything in the universe that He made has a beginning and an end.

    However, if you follow the Law of Conservation of Energy (thankfully a scientific law and not just law of faith), you can’t create energy (only God can). We can only manage to convert one type (say heat) into another (say kinetic). This, in fact means, that nothing dies; it is only converted into another form of energy. Say, a tree dies as seen by us. But it’s dried wood and leaves are converted into heat and light.

    Seen in this manner, nothing in the universe has a beginning or an end. Everything is made in the likeness of God, ie, Timeless.

    Just as yesterday’s dried wood is today’s heat and light, there is actually no past or future. There is only Present.

    We don’t know how the dead wood of the tree would be used. It might be made into a boat and directly give kinetic energy. So to worry about the future is pointless. Similarly, to worry about what is gone and dead is foolish; it is in that state for the time being. It is certainly going to be born as something else.

    Everything in the universe is indeed timeless. We invented time ourselves because we are comfortable with the idea of beginning and end. There is actually no beginning, no end.

    See how beautifully Sahir said so in Waqt:

    When Christ on Cross said, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they’re doing”, many thought he was referring to his Roman persecutors. Actually, he meant the whole humanity. We have no knowledge of what we are doing because we don’t know how our actions would affect what and where (Law of Conservation of Energy again). Worrying is therefore futile.

    Live the moment. Let it go. You don’t own it. Don’t try to own it by sticking to it when it becomes past. Finally when we ourselves are converted to something else, this past which we thought we owned is also gone.

    Here is Shakeel:

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