People are unfair and ungrateful.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #109‘.

Good morning Friends,

So, you found people ungrateful and unfair,
And you concluded you’ve something unique;
Let me tell you everyone has one’s own share,
Everyone has come across such doublespeak.

We think of things from our own view-point,
People are hard-wired to think differently;
After years of our efforts they may disappoint,
By looking at our achievements indifferently.

Rather than being embittered and defeated,
It’s better to take such views in one’s stride;
No point in thinking of them as conceited,
Just go on maintaining silence that is dignified.

Those who already know need no explanation,
Those who don’t, explanation fails to impress;
There is never a reason for your frustration,
Never lose your cool ’cause of unkindness.

Maintain cheerfulness and keep your cool,
Lo and behold, your bete noire feels foiled;
He or she can try best but you’re no fool,
With criticism and let-down you ain’t spoiled.

I wish you today the art of being unruffled,
In the face of the selfish and the ungrateful;
That your positions would be aptly shuffled,
You as the loving and them as the hateful.

Maintain your cool with people.




Memories make up Life.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #108‘.

Good morning Friends,

Life is but a bundle of memories,
It is up to us to make them nice;
For some these are rich treasuries,
For others these come up with a price.

At the time when these’re in the making,
Have a quick look at your conscience;
If whilst doing your inner self is shaking,
You are likely to be haunted by subconscious.

Whether later they make you happy or sad,
Is entirely in our own hands;
We can use these as a launch pad,
To lead us into a world we understand.

Whilst it is true that Memory can be trained,
To remember or even forget things;
These will still be in our conscience retained,
In case we allowed Evil to pull strings.

In this way God has bestowed on us,
The quality of our Life in our control;
We can make it into a minus or plus,
By espying through our conscience’s keyhole.

May you make sweet memories to cherish,
Not just today but every moment and day;
May these never turn out to be nightmarish,
May they lead to happiness and not dismay.

Have happy memories in Life.


Physical courage is good. Moral courage is great.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #107‘.

Good morning Friends,

So you think you are very courageous,
Climbing steep mountains sailing fierce seas?
But, it is really not even slightly ambiguous,
Without moral courage you’re weak in the knees.

To stand bravely for the right against all odds,
When majority is hell-bent to back the wrong;
Requires courage directly blessed by gods,
And shows if you are really all that strong.

I have come across many a brave man wilt,
Under the ever increasing moral stress;
And then I’ve seen even the straightest tilt,
If not with temptation, at least under duress.

Then there are those who do not fear death,
But braver are those who arenot afraid of life;
No fears are there after one leaves one’s breath,
But to continue living one has to win over strife.

Yes, facing enemy in battle requires pluck,
But, to be able to face yourself requires daring;
If in moral dilemma you are often stuck,
There is no point with brave if you’re comparing.

This morning lets all be brave and bold,
And choose right over what is morally wrong;
Decision of our conscience lets all uphold,
And let this become a habit that’s lifelong.

Have courage to be morally right.


Silence is kind. Noise is the worst form of Violence.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #106‘.

Good morning Friends,

Would you kill in the name of your religion?
Or commit rape or spit in someone’s face?
Similarly, you really don’t have a godly vision,
If by your noise you kill others’ private space.

Loudspeaker noise has exactly that evil effect,
It is a form of physical and mental violence;
Your own and everyone’s peace is wrecked,
God is always to be found through silence.

Our scriptures are full of anecdotes and tales,
Whence gods got annoyed through loud noise;
Clamour is the one that turned the scales,
And made even the gods lose their poise.

So lets shun noise both within and without,
And be kind to others in our neighbourhood;
If you are really a religious follower who’s devout,
You should be as calm and kind as God would.

Today is the day when we should take a pledge,
Never to use loudspeakers for our worship;
For Noise is the surest way to drive a wedge,
Between us and God and others in our township.

Let me wish you a gentle, kind and silent day,
Whence you actually come closer to your soul;
Shun all Noise that actually makes you go astray,
From being godly and religious, your chosen goal.

Silence leads to godliness.


Song in your heart and on your lips.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #105‘.

Good morning Friends,

Song on your lips is often a reflection,
Of song that you carry in your heart;
Lo, it always has the same complexion,
Of its emotive and throbbing counterpart.

Hence, trying to make your heart clear,
Of unnecessary sadness and clutter;
Will tend to make a joyous atmosphere,
And suddenly your life would be aflutter.

Song in your heart often lends a glow,
To your eyes, cheeks and complete face;
For it makes your blood better flow,
And to your being it lends a divine grace.

The reverse is that song on your lips and ears,
Also pulsates with your heart and soul;
Depending on whether it is cheers or tears,
It works, for your inner self, like remote control.

Often painful memories reflect in sad songs,
And happy songs make your heart dance;
It is as if all the past rights and wrongs;
Are giving you another visit and chance.

Let the power of music be unleashed today,
In your life to make you happy and merry;
May you be able to dance like the blue jay,
At home with both acorn and strawberry.

Let your soul sing to you today.



Comparing with those who have less makes us happier.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #104‘.

Good morning Friends,

All virtues and emotions are always relative,
Hence, comparing is natural for the mind;
One should hence try not to be negative,
By being to one’s own blessings blind.

God has given us much more than others,
At the same time, than many others, less;
Whilst comparing with our sisters and brothers,
Our own advantages we should always address.

The next step is to be ever grateful to God,
For what He chose to keep in store for us;
Whilst for everything we may not be awed,
It is certainly better to accept without a fuss.

Just as you can’t exchange life with someone,
You can’t exchange your karma and fate too;
But, you can find all happiness under the sun,
If you compare with others having less than you.

The Man who is content with what he has got,
Rather than others filling him with vain desire;
He has learnt how not to be sad and distraught,
He is his own happiness’s greatest multiplier.

I wish you today plenty of inner contentment,
May you be happy, cheerful, satiated and glad;
May you never harbour undue resentment,
At somethings others have but you haven’t had.

Comparing with those who have more makes us sad.


Our own give us happiness and grief.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #103‘.

Good morning Friends,

Have you thought of what is harder in life,
Strangers becoming dear or other way round?
If we are, say, father and son, husband and wife,
It is certainly harder to lose the love we’ve found.

Sense of ownership gives us the biggest glee,
It also gives us, at loss, the greatest grief;
None of us from this emotion can be free,
Not to own things and people is beyond belief.

In holy books mamta is the word that is used,
To describe all worldly or material attachments;
The entire humanity is seen to be confused,
As to how to practise religious detachments.

How should we clear this muddle in our mind?
When agitated, how can we hope to stand still?
There is only one way to put all the grief behind,
That’s to think of everything as God’s Will.

We must remember that all we think we own,
Has been given temporarily by our God;
Before we permanently rejoice or bemoan,
It is our own thinking, not His, that is flawed.

Next time you go to a temple and proudly give,
A large sum of money or goodies as charity;
Remember it’s loaned to us by Him until we live,
It’s owner is always Him, now and for all posterity.

Knowing it was God’s gives us peace.



God made all things beautiful.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #102‘.

Good morning Friends,

God made all things beautiful and good,
Rivers, hills, birds, trees, as per his holy plan;
And then after making these aside he stood,
And then he thought of making Man.

I want someone to enjoy and appreciate,
All the loveliness that in Nature I spread;
I know all these would be just adequate,
To really captivate his heart and head.

I want the beauty of all these things,
To be forever reflected in his eyes;
When sad, I want to give him wings,
So that he can try to reach for the skies.

If you look for beauty in God’s Creation,
You are stunned at how God proposes;
There is never an exception or aberration,
To go with them, even thorns have roses.

Many a poet have had this thought to share,
I am merely one more on Indian land;
Flowers of delight blossom everywhere‘,
Use your hearts thread to weave in a garland.

Good morning, my most beautiful friends,
You are indeed the best Creation of God;
Because of you I harvest rich dividends,
I think of you, give thanks and applaud.

Have a beautiful day, friends.


How to right a wrong.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #101‘.

Good morning Friends,

When you deal with a person in the wrong,
Try not to be too direct, cheeky and bold;
Most people in this respect are headstrong,
They won’t really like to be ticked and told.

If the aim is to make things and him better,
You must facilitate his learning on his own;
Be stickler to the spirit and not the letter,
Set right the wrong but don’t make a clone.

Also make sure it is actually a wrong,
And not another way to look at things;
If latter, you should’ve known all along,
Newness to the table it actually brings.

Everyone is entitled to one’s own view,
There is no absolute wrong or right;
In everything one can find something new,
And still one needn’t be held in spite.

If we all know how to deal with divergence,
The world would be finally free from conflict;
Eventually, there would be an emergence,
Of a society that’s kind and not so strict.

In any case just remember this old saying:
Hate the wrong not the wrong-doer;
Of a richer world foundation you’d be laying,
And you yourself won’t, by it, become poor.

Have a peaceful day.


One step enough for me.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #100‘.

Good morning Friends,

God, let me not dream of far distance,
Just guide me one step at a time;
No matter what may be the resistance,
Inspire me not to give up the climb.

I don’t want to become a perfect person,
I want to be better person everyday;
Once improved, don’t let me worsen,
Don’t let me abandon my aim halfway.

Let me not look down on all those,
Still struggling at the starting block;
I don’t want to be judge of their woes,
Let them keep up with their own clock.

On the long journey that I’ve to undertake,
Don’t let me feel dejected and tired;
With failures don’t let me have heartbreak,
Keep me cheerful, hopeful and inspired.

Once I arrive where I want to reach,
Keep me from all arrogance and conceit,
Let me be humble in action and speech,
And modest when my task is complete.

Guide my hands and guide my feet,
To be of help to others in need;
Direct me, with others, not to compete,
In hatred, anger, animosity and greed.

Show me always the right path, God.


घर पे अपने ही मैं मेहमान रहा,
सब कहते रहे मैं ही बेज़ुबान रहा।

कुछ कसर तो होगी मेरी बंदिगी में,
मैंने सब किया पर उनका एहसान रहा।

अपनो को अपना कहने की ख्वाइश थी,
ज़िन्दगी गुज़री पर यही अरमान रहा।

वह ख़ुद गर्ज़ और बेरुख जब हुए,
मैं तो तब भी गैर अहम इन्सान रहा।

कैसे होंगे वह लोग जिन्हें मिलता है प्यार,
यही सोच के मैं हरदम परेशान रहा।

उनकी नफ़रत में ना आई कभी कोई कमी,
हर मुक़ाम पे खड़ा मैं हैरान रहा।

बहुत तमन्ना की उसकी ज़िंदगी भर,
ना मौत आयी ना मौत का सामान रहा।

लोग चंद लम्हों में बन जाते हैं अपने, रवि,
उम्र गुज़री मैं फ़िर भी अनजान रहा।


We complete a hundred poems today.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #99‘.

Good morning Friends,

The earth completes a rotation everyday,
It has done so for millions of years;
I have completed a hundred poems today,
To wish you ‘Good Morning’, my dears.

Some of you are with me from the start,
Others feel forwards are really the best;
I prepare these poems from my heart,
Someone, somewhere, is surely impressed.

Through these poems I remain connected,
With all my friends and people I know;
Good or bad, at least no one is neglected,
I help our relationship to deepen and grow.

Thank you for receiving my daily verses,
And sending me words of appreciation;
Whilst some in this world are full of curses,
But you have shown no such temptation.

I wish you health and happiness always,
May our friendship grow leaps and bounds;
May this trail that together we’ve blazed,
Lead us to breaking new and better grounds.

Congratulations then on our first hundred,
Lets look forward to another century to come;
How God keeps us going, have you wondered,
The more we share the richer we become.

Happy reading the next hundred poems.


Find Happiness and hold on to it.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #98‘.

Good morning Friends,

Happiness is strewn all around,
Just grab and make it your own;
Don’t say it’s nowhere to be found,
It is not something rarely known.

It’s not waiting for you for tomorrow,
It is actually present here and now;
It’s not what from others you borrow,
Each one of us has it and how.

Don’t fret and complain all the while,
Good times are there for us all;
They are to be greeted with a smile,
And not with grunts and a drawl.

Happiness is to be felt by heart,
It’s not something you can frame;
You can give yourself a head-start,
By laying to it an advance claim.

You can’t be happy by comparing,
Or leaving it in someone’s hand;
It never diminishes by sharing,
It is always available on-demand.

I wish you loads of happiness today,
May it sit at your window like a bird;
May it be your most cheerful Monday,
In actuality and not something inferred.

Be happy. Share happiness.


Rains are romantic.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #97‘.

Good morning Friends,

Some people love walking in the rain,
The others are only afraid of getting wet;
Then there are those who merely complain,
That rains are actually the biggest threat.

Now that we are at the end of Monsoons,
One question everyone needs to answer:
You think walking in the rain is for buffoons,
Or rains can make you a happy dancer?

Rains are indeed the most romantic weather,
Nature’s beauty is to be seen at its best;
If you and your partner are indeed together,
Rains can make you feel you’re blessed.

Poetry and songs are full of this thought,
Whence rains can drench your very soul;
If you’re with the one you’ve tied the knot,
You love each and every step of the stroll.

I’ve been wishing you bright and sunny days,
Today, let me wish you a rainy romance;
May you and your partner be together always,
May, in the rain, you enjoy the dance.

Let rains drench your heart today.



Unfair people? Well, just be fair yourself.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #96‘.

Good morning Friends,

People are frustrating, people are unfair,
And we have often bemoaned this fact;
Oh, it is much better to be elsewhere,
Than to be with those sans grace and tact.

As we go through life we come across,
Many an idiot and incorrigible fool;
To argue with them you are at a loss,
They don’t seem to have attended school.

Some of them are moronic and uncouth,
They are unaffected by demands of reason;
For every little thing they fight the truth,
And they are to be found in every season.

But, how many times have we taken note,
Of our own attitude towards others?
Is it necessary that we should catch by throat,
All those who can be sisters and brothers?

Have we ever given a serious thought,
To what irritates others about (the perfect) us?
Have we really and earnestly sought,
To know if we are the ones making a fuss?

Let’s make earnest effort to learn today,
To look more within than without,
Let’s allow others to have their say,
Even those who are idiots, no doubt.

Don’t be unfair with and about yourself today.


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