Tuesday morning and the fifty-fourth day verse as a good morning message.

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was: Good Morning Message #53‘.

Good morning Friends,

One of the best ways to start a new day,
Is to think of those who have less;
God has made them of the same clay,
They too deserve the same kindness.

And lo, we find we are more cheerful,
Than we had ever thought to be;
Also, we are distinctly less fearful,
Of the future that we could dimly see.

If comparative happiness makes us sad,
It also has the power to make us grateful;
There are people who just one meal haven’t had,
Whilst with every meal we have’d a plateful.

Let’s fold our hands in prayer to Him and say:
“Thank you for giving us more than we need”,
This is really the best way to begin the day,
And suddenly of our troubles we are freed.

We are the richest men or women anywhere,
We have no desire to always want more;
Of what we need God has already taken care,
He has given us enough to keep in store.

A trouble-free Tuesday awaits us.

Author: Sunbyanyname

I have done a long stint in the Indian Navy that lasted for nearly thirty seven years; I rose as far as my somewhat rebellious and irreverent nature allowed me to. On retirement, in Feb 2010, the first thing that occurred to me, and those around me, was that I Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (you will find an article with this title in this blog) and hadn't lost all my noodles and hence thought of a blog titled 'This 'n That'. I later realised that every third blog is called 'This 'n That' and changed the name to 'Sunbyanyname'. I detest treading the beaten track. This blog offers me to air 'another way' of looking at things. The idea is not just to entertain but also to bring about a change. Should you feel differently, you are free to leave your comments. You can leave comments even when you agree and want to share your own experience about the topic of the blog post. Impudent or otherwise, I have never been insousciant and I am always concerned about the betterment of community, nation and the world. I hope the visitors of this blog would be able to discern it.

2 thoughts on “GOOD MORNING MESSAGE #54”

  1. Sir, stumbled upon your blog in search of Hindi songs on Guitar. Interesting blog with diversity of topics. I believe the comments box was disabled on that post, so leaving my comments here. I may add one more to your list of songs – Mere Naina Sawan Bhaado. Its kind of weird choreography where the guitar sound only appears in the first part of the song and you can see Rajesh Khanna strumming it all through the song :-).
    I am still going through the various songs for each of the Raga’s you have listed. And yes, this post, I am surely blessed, God has given me more than I have ever asked for or deserved. Have a great day and happy blogging !!!

  2. Thank you so much Smruti. Feel happy with your appreciation. The Western world is full of unethical people and they created problems for me by comments ranging from advertisements to pornographic content. I must have, therefore, disabled comments. I am sorry.

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