It sprang through woods and grass
Lively and playful
Now here, now there;
Through rains and clouds
Through sun and moon.
It braved rivulets and torrents
Birds and feral animals.
Everyone said:
How lovely it is
Like a new sprout
Like a young deer;
It looks so beautiful,
It looks so tender;
Lets call it Love.
She saw it too
In my eyes.
She heard it,
In my breathing.
Her eyes whispered to me:
“Love is all I wanted,
Thank you for giving it to me.”
We floated on clouds,
We swam in the sky
We walked on petals
And etched our names on the breeze.
We made melodies
We vowed, we cooed,
We laughed, we danced.Then one day
Just as unexpectedly as Love

A three lettered word came between us
And ruined our lives and us.
She was the first to utter it
She got obsessed with it
And I still rue its origin.
I should have seen
The look in her eyes
When, through pouted lips
She uttered it for the first time
It hung between us
And I knew she’d want it more and more
She just relished its sound.I still remember the time

When she whispered it;
It was demanding, it was urgent
She couldn’t have waited.
How I long for our love before it,
Before she murmured it with a sigh
The three lettered word called, “Why?”

Author: Sunbyanyname

I have done a long stint in the Indian Navy that lasted for nearly thirty seven years; I rose as far as my somewhat rebellious and irreverent nature allowed me to. On retirement, in Feb 2010, the first thing that occurred to me, and those around me, was that I Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (you will find an article with this title in this blog) and hadn't lost all my noodles and hence thought of a blog titled 'This 'n That'. I later realised that every third blog is called 'This 'n That' and changed the name to 'Sunbyanyname'. I detest treading the beaten track. This blog offers me to air 'another way' of looking at things. The idea is not just to entertain but also to bring about a change. Should you feel differently, you are free to leave your comments. You can leave comments even when you agree and want to share your own experience about the topic of the blog post. Impudent or otherwise, I have never been insousciant and I am always concerned about the betterment of community, nation and the world. I hope the visitors of this blog would be able to discern it.


  1. I fear the W-words: What, Why, Where, When, Whose etc. Most often than not they come from another W-word: Women. Thank you for your praise.

  2. Ah, the W-words always lurking somewhere and threatening to show up when I expect it the least.

    Not all W-words are threatening. Like Women for example!!! Ha Ha.

    Joy always,

  3. Thanks. It is Wonderful to know all W-words are not Wrong or Wretched. About Women, I only have to say:

    Oh, the rudeness of their rudeness when they’re rude,
    And the shrewdness of their shrewdness when they’re shrewd;
    But the rudeness of their rudeness,
    And the shrewdness of their shrewdness,
    Is nothing like their goodness when they’re good.

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