Is it necessary to belong to some Religion?

From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).

The last such message was:’Good Morning Message #214‘.

Good Morning Friends,

All Religion is an attempt to live in the past,
Because, unless you are an iconoclast,
You assume that some sage before,
Really knew and understood more,
Than all those in the present era, by contrast.

I don’t think Religion is to be blindly followed,
Like a miracle drug to be dutifully swallowed;
Like all knowledge from one era to next,
It should be true in both time and text,
However much it was to be held as hallowed.

The guardians of Religion want people to be blind,
And to the thinking of another to be totally aligned,
There is no room for any doubt,
As they increase their own clout,
And to just one isolated approach one is confined.

What if you are one to one with your Maker and God,
Without any past theory and practice to be overawed;
You make your own ethics and rules,
You take assistance from your own tools,
Would you say such a concept is completely flawed?*

I would say Humanity is a religion by itself.

*Let me hear some views about it in the comments. Lets not make these daily messages totally one sided.

Author: Sunbyanyname

I have done a long stint in the Indian Navy that lasted for nearly thirty seven years; I rose as far as my somewhat rebellious and irreverent nature allowed me to. On retirement, in Feb 2010, the first thing that occurred to me, and those around me, was that I Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (you will find an article with this title in this blog) and hadn't lost all my noodles and hence thought of a blog titled 'This 'n That'. I later realised that every third blog is called 'This 'n That' and changed the name to 'Sunbyanyname'. I detest treading the beaten track. This blog offers me to air 'another way' of looking at things. The idea is not just to entertain but also to bring about a change. Should you feel differently, you are free to leave your comments. You can leave comments even when you agree and want to share your own experience about the topic of the blog post. Impudent or otherwise, I have never been insousciant and I am always concerned about the betterment of community, nation and the world. I hope the visitors of this blog would be able to discern it.

6 thoughts on “GOOD MORNING MESSAGE #215”

  1. तू हिंदू बनेगा न मुसलमान बनेगा इंसान की औलाद है इंसान बनेगा….
    कुदरत ने तो बक्शी थी हमें एक ही धरती
    हमने कहीं भारत कहीं ईरान बनाया

    Much the same way there is only one religion to live by that is of humanity the existence of many religions resulted from various seekers of the truth realising the Supreme Lord
    And some of the religions came about due to exploitation by the ठेकेदारs at various points in time

    यदा यदा ही धर्मस्य
    ग्लानिर्भवति भारत:,
    अभ्युत्थानम अधर्मस्या तादात्मानम सृजाम्यहम्

    जब जब धर्म की ग्लानी होती है, तब सब में अपने स्वरूप का सर्जन करता हूं पापों का नाश करने के लिए और धर्म को वापिस स्थापित करने के लिए

    भगवान कृष्ण का उद्घोष उस धर्म की तरफ नहीं इशारा कर रहा जिसे हम आज समझते हैं यह वह धर्म है जो *मानव के द्वारा धारण किया* जाना होता है

    what we are seeing as religion is the distorted form…
    The Gurus being worshipped where is Guru Nanak Dev Ji has categorically instilled

    एको सिमरो नानका
    जो जल थल रह्यया समाए
    दूजा काहे सिमरिये,
    जे जम्मे ते मर जाए।।

    Even in its present form *RELIGION* can be viewed philosophically (despite the limitations), as…

    Life is full of pain and sufferings.

    When the sufferings become intolerable, people seek refuge in the Religion;

    for Religion acts as a balm on the wounds of the Worldly.

    It brings strength, comfort and satisfaction in pain and agony.

    Nobody can deny that Religion is a comfort of the distressed,
    a cordial to the sick, and sometimes a restraint on the wicked.

    Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature,

    the feeling of a heartless World and the soul of soulless circumstances.

    *True Religion* gives
    A cheerful and happy turn to the mind,

    Admits of all true pleasures and even procures for us the Highest.

    Religion engenders different associations in various people.

    In different times, different people have come to understand the concept multifariously, so,

    HE is known by several names and is also worshipped in various forms.

    But underneath the worship of numerous Names and Forms of God,

    there is Supreme Realisation of Ultimate TRUTH by these Saints & Seers.

    Unfortunately, much against their Instructions, after their departing from this mortal land, motivated by Ego & for selfish gains, their disciples distorted the Real Teachings & started the practice of Worshipping the Saints & Seers in Physical Symbolic Idolised Forms
    as ritual…

    Distorting the teachings,
    losing the Righteous Directions Saints & Seers, had given to Move on. . .

    SO, WHAT TO DO ? …

    .. What is the Root of All Religions, essentials of Religious Teachings (the Real Dharma),

    that provides deeper insight into the concept; and lend a shoulder of Eternal Faith to rely on.


    (sameness, no duality) अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि
    SAMTA is referred to as ADI-Sanatana, the Eternal Faith.

    SAMTA is not a Religion.
    It is based on the Practice of Supreme’s Code of Life.
    *While Religion seeks to bind, Supreme’s Code of Life seeks to Up hold*.

    What man holds on to, is his inner strength,

    which leads man from ignorance to Truth.

    Though reading of the scriptures (Vedas/Shastras/Granths)

    does not directly lead to Self-realization, the teachings of the Seers
    provide a basis and the path for Spirituality.
    The Truth and path
    provided by SAMTA is beyond time and hence, Eternal.

    The concepts like Karma, Rebirth, Moksha,
    are common to several religions of the World.

    SAMTA believes in the existence of the Omnipresent, Omniscient and
    Omnipotent God who resides in the heart
    of every being,

    The Principle of Unity of being
    ( Ek Onkar Satnam)
    and presence of God in all forms of life, is fundamental to SAMTA.

    Thus, Self-realization is the only way to attain the *True State of SAMTA*
    there being *No difference between mortal and The Supreme Lord*.

    ( Samta is a state of mind which is reflected in transforming from “Human being to *Being Human* ” )


  2. Very apt Ravi. The best religion is humanity. In fact Guru Nanak Dev ji’s first words on reappearing, after his enlightenment, were that, Na koi Hindu, Na koi Mussalman meaning “There is no Hindu and no Musalman”. Many people have taken this to mean the Guru was intending to say that both Hindus and Muslims had forgotten the precepts of their religions. Others have thought that Guru Nanak was pointing out that the Hindu and Muslim religions were beliefs begun by men and their differences were only in their words and there beliefs; that all men were brothers who only imagined divisions. Brothers who were all created by one creator God and that everything and all things were of his creation.

  3. Dear Ravi Sahib,
    Your GM message#215 is well worded. I entirely agree with you that religion is not to be blindly followed. At the same time until and unless we read, understand and comprehend the past saints/sages/seers teachings/writings it is increasingly difficult if not impossible to get spark/kick regarding awakening the spirituality.
    hypothetically, If a child borne from the wedlock of the most intellect/renowned people in their field or otherwise is kept separately/aloof from birth, I am sure despite parents being genious such a child though naturally equipped/gifted with the best of in borne faculties will have no language to speak. He will be as good as dumb.
    Likewise on joining Indian Navy you and I learnt various discipline and ultimately might have done better or outperformed our instructors but their original role to generate a spark amongst us could not be denied. Without their initial training/coaching we would not have been able to achieve /perform what we finally did coupled with our our individual interest and efforts in excelling our professionals. Therefore no one can use his tools/instruments gainfully to their optimum advantages on his own without obtaining preliminary knowledge and technic from someone by having their physical company or reading their writings on the subject/tools. It would be an Herculean task and unnecessary waste of time. As we all say everyone need not to invent his wheel rather one should endeavour to develop/evolve it further. Therefore, I also strongly recommend and vouch for not belonging/aligning to any particular religion. When I say religion I mean its dogma, rituals and ceremonies and outward appearance. Being spiritual and religious person is pole apart.
    Lord has equipped us with hidden treasure of His existence within us. To substantiate it you being most learned person must be well aware of it but I may quote Bhikha an Indian saint from Bihar region:
    None is poor, O Bhikha,
    Everyone hath got rubies in his bundle. But how to open the knot he doth not know
    And therefore is he a pauper!

    Bhikha bhukha koi nahin, sabki gatthri Lal,
    Girah khol no jan ni ta te bhae kangal.

    In fact no problem of greater or more moving important confronts man than the possible awareness of his own consciousness, the deep significance of the place he occupies in the world as a whole, and of the purpose he should first discover and then pursue.
    As Guru Nanak ji has said:
    Only he is alive, O Nanak,
    Who is in tune with God.
    All others are dead.

    I understand you are a blessed person being born in spiritually inclined family. Since you have born and brought up in that environment since the early life, you have got that spark and have also happened to see the tool in the form of GGS and it’s uses. If you had not seen or known it which tool you could have relied on to use for this most important task/discipline of Spirituality. When one has the right knowledge and got focused on it then so called religions appears to be insignificant. Indeed it is. To begin with or to get initial spark one has to have some basic awareness from someone. This foundation is very vital. This we only get from spiritually realized souls only.
    To be very frank yesterday I avoided to comment but I felt restless to say something to speak my mind.

    In fact this is very vast subject we should avoid unnecessary discussion. This is subject subject of practice rather than intellectual precept and discussions.

    Thanks n regards

  4. Thank you.

    As long as Religion aligns itself to Spirituality, it is good. But, the moment its practices get into what they have presently got into, these do more harm erroneously in the name of the founder of the religion, than good.

    Anyway, the idea was only to give a spark about our own role in our spiritual progress.

    Guru Nanak was the only one of the religious thinkers who described the positive aspects of Kalyug. According to him whilst in Satyug someone could pray for you and be an intermediary between you and God, in Kalyug, you are one to one with God without any intermediary.


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